提交 156131f6 编写于 作者: C Cosmin Popescu

version 5.0.1

上级 d4e82d62
The following documentation is quite long. If you don't want to read through
it, here is the quick start:
* install `SQL Workbench/J` from [here](http://www.sql-workbench.net/)
* install your `jdbc` driver for your database see
* open a terminal window
* `cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-sql-workbench/resources/py`
* `./sqlwbserver.py -c path/to/sql-workbench/sqlwbconsole.sh -o 5000`
* open vim
*Running sql queries against a DBMS*:
* `:SWSqlConnectToServer 5000 path/to/sql_buffer.sql`
* go to an sql statement
* in normal mode, do `<C-@>` (this is `ctrl` + `space`)
*Opening a database explorer*
* `:SWDbExplorer <my-profile> 5000`
* `<my-profile>` is the name of a database profile create in `SQL Workbench/J`
(see [here](http://www.sql-workbench.net/manual/profiles.html))
For more detailed explanations, please continue reading this material.
......@@ -511,7 +542,7 @@ Alternatively you can execute the `SWSqlObjectInfo` command from normal mode.
Basically the command `desc <object>` is sent to the DBMS and the output
## Get an object definition
## Get an object source
When you are with the cursor on top of any word in the buffer or in the result
set, you can click `alt + s` or your own custom shortcut. This will display
......@@ -3,19 +3,46 @@ vim-sql-workbench.txt
CONTENTS *vim-sql-workbench-contents*
1. Introduction.................................|vim-sql-workbench-introduction|
2. Requirements.................................|vim-sql-workbench-requirements|
3. Connecting to a DBMS.................|vim-sql-workbench-connecting_to_a_dbms|
4. The database explorer...............|vim-sql-workbench-the_database_explorer|
5. The SQL buffer.............................|vim-sql-workbench-the_sql_buffer|
6. SQL commands.................................|vim-sql-workbench-sql_commands|
7. Searching.......................................|vim-sql-workbench-searching|
8. Exporting.......................................|vim-sql-workbench-exporting|
9. Sessions.........................................|vim-sql-workbench-sessions|
10. Variables......................................|vim-sql-workbench-variables|
11. Commands........................................|vim-sql-workbench-commands|
12. Settings........................................|vim-sql-workbench-settings|
13. Screen shots................................|vim-sql-workbench-screen_shots|
1. Tutorial.........................................|vim-sql-workbench-tutorial|
2. Introduction.................................|vim-sql-workbench-introduction|
3. Requirements.................................|vim-sql-workbench-requirements|
4. Connecting to a DBMS.................|vim-sql-workbench-connecting_to_a_dbms|
5. The database explorer...............|vim-sql-workbench-the_database_explorer|
6. The SQL buffer.............................|vim-sql-workbench-the_sql_buffer|
7. SQL commands.................................|vim-sql-workbench-sql_commands|
8. Searching.......................................|vim-sql-workbench-searching|
9. Exporting.......................................|vim-sql-workbench-exporting|
10. Sessions........................................|vim-sql-workbench-sessions|
11. Variables......................................|vim-sql-workbench-variables|
12. Commands........................................|vim-sql-workbench-commands|
13. Settings........................................|vim-sql-workbench-settings|
14. Screen shots................................|vim-sql-workbench-screen_shots|
TUTORIAL *vim-sql-workbench-tutorial*
The following documentation is quite long. If you don't want to read through
it, here is the quick start:
* install from here (http://www.sql-workbench.net/)
* install your 'jdbc' driver for your database see
here (http://www.sql-workbench.net/)
* open a terminal window
* open vim
Running sql queries against a DBMS:
* go to an sql statement
* in normal mode, do '<C-@>' (this is 'ctrl' + 'space')
Opening a database explorer
* '<my-profile>' is the name of a database profile create in
(see here (http://www.sql-workbench.net/manual/profiles.html))
For more detailed explanations, please continue reading this material.
INTRODUCTION *vim-sql-workbench-introduction*
......@@ -92,7 +119,7 @@ like 'workbench.console.script.showtime' could affect the functionality of
Please note that the last version of the 'sqlwbserver.py' script is not
compatible with 'SQL Workbench/J' before build 118. To use it with a previous
compatible with before build 118. To use it with a previous
build, you will have to use the parameter. Also, f you want to use a
version of prior to 118, you have to set the 'vim' variable
'g:sw_use_old_sw' to '1'.
......@@ -533,7 +560,7 @@ Basically the command is sent to the DBMS and the output
GET AN OBJECT DEFINITION *vim-sql-workbench-get_an_object_definition*
GET AN OBJECT SOURCE *vim-sql-workbench-get_an_object_source*
When you are with the cursor on top of any word in the buffer or in the result
set, you can click or your own custom shortcut. This will display
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