提交 7b6e3864 编写于 作者: C Cosmin Popescu

resolve #33

上级 acc41ef4
......@@ -688,6 +688,16 @@ SWSqlReferencedBy employees(departmentId)=departments(id)
You will get a resultset with the employee with the `id` 1.
## Including a file
If you want to create a stored procedure, you might want to execute the current
file. For this you have `SWInclude`. The command will execute the entire file
using the `WbInclude` command from `SQL Workbench/J`. If you follow the command
by a `!`, then the alternate delimiter is used. Otherwise the standard `;`
delimiter is used. The command can also take one argument, which could be the
file to be included, if you don't want it to be the current file.
SQL commands
......@@ -1178,6 +1188,17 @@ If you activated the integration with `CtrlP`, then this will open up directly
This will reset the profiles cache. Next time when you will access the `CtrlP`
workbench tab, the profiles will be read again.
## SWInclude
* the file to include (optional, default the current file)
The command will include a given file or the current file. It will execute
`wbinclude -file=<file or current file>;`. If you follow the command by a `!`,
then the alternate delimiter is used.
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