提交 664cfcca 编写于 作者: CJ-Maske's avatar CJ-Maske


上级 3ffbd349
from requests import request
class Spider:
token = "EOk6j38PELxUwJy8"
def __init__(self):
self.headers = {'Content-Type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
def other(key):
url = f'https://cn.bing.com/search?q="{key}"&FORM=BESBTB'
return f'😢没有该指令,已自动根据你的指令搜索到如下内容,请点击查看\n{url}'
def what_to_eat_today(*args):
:docs: https://www.apispace.com/eolink/api/eat222/apiDocument
url = "https://eolink.o.apispace.com/eat222/api/v1/forward/chishenme"
payload = {"size": "3"}
headers = {
"X-APISpace-Token": "zbxmug9fyd25pvq7b37urfl2yqm46f0g",
"Authorization-Type": "apikey"
result = request('GET', url, params=payload, headers=headers).json()
if result['code'] == 200:
return f'亲~,今日推荐的食谱,三选一吧🥙:\n{result["data"]}】'
return 'api 错误或者失效了'
def help_(self, *args):
return f'🚩 命令格式:/命令名称\n🚩 注意:命令带有下划线请忽略填写\n🚩 命令列表:{list(self.By.keys())}'
def query_virus_cities(self, province, city=None, county=None):
:docs: https://alapi.cn/api/view/106
url = "https://v2.alapi.cn/api/springTravel/risk"
payload = {
'token': self.token,
'province': province,
'city': city,
"country": county
result = request('POST', url, params=payload, headers=self.headers).json()
if result['code'] == 200:
if 10 > len(result['config']['high_list']) > 0:
high_list = result['config']['high_list']
msg = ''.join(f"{row['area_name']} - ⛔ 高风险社区:{len(row['communitys'])}\n" for row in high_list)
elif city is None:
msg = f"{province} ⛔ 存在高风险地区:{result['config']['high_count']}\n"
msg = f"{city} ⛔ 存在高风险地区:{result['config']['high_count']}\n"
msg = f"{msg}⚠ 存在中风险地区:{result['config']['middle_count']}\n最新发布时间:{result['config']['end_update_time']}"
return msg
return 'api 错误或者失效了'
def get_healthy_travel(self, from_, to):
:docs: https://alapi.cn/api/view/87
return '该接口已取消'
# table = City()
# from_id = table.get_city_id(from_)
# to_id = table.get_city_id(to)
# url = "https://v2.alapi.cn/api/springTravel/query"
# payload = {
# 'token': self.token,
# 'from': from_id,
# 'to': to_id
# }
# result = request('POST', url, params=payload, headers=self.headers).json()
# if result['code'] == 200:
# out_desc = result['config']['from_info']['out_desc']
# out_code_name = result['config']['from_info']['health_code_name']
# in_desc = result['config']['to_info']['low_in_desc']
# in_code_name = result['config']['to_info']['health_code_name']
# return f"🌏 {from_}出站:\n📕 健康码:{out_code_name}\n🚆 {out_desc}\n🌏 {to}进站:\n📕 健康码:{in_code_name}\n🚆 {in_desc}\n"
def get_weather(self, city=None):
:docs: https://alapi.cn/api/view/65
url = 'https://v2.alapi.cn/api/tianqi'
payload = {
'token': self.token,
'city': city
result = request('POST', url, params=payload, headers=self.headers).json()
if result['code'] == 200:
hour_list = result['config']['hour']
msg = ''.join(f"⏰ {row['time'].split()[-1]} - {row['wea']} - {row['temp']}°\n" for row in hour_list)
msg = f'今日早晨-明日早晨\n{msg}'
return msg
return 'api 错误或者失效了'
def query_logistics(self, number):
:docs: https://alapi.cn/api/view/63
url = 'https://v2.alapi.cn/api/kd'
payload = {
'token': self.token,
'number': number,
'order': 'asc'
result = request('POST', url, params=payload, headers=self.headers).json()
if result['code'] == 200:
new_state = result['config']['info'][-1]
return f"⏰ 最新更新时间:{new_state['time']}\n📦 {new_state['content']}"
return 'api 错误或者失效了'
def get_news_to_day(self):
:docs: https://alapi.cn/api/view/93
url = 'https://v2.alapi.cn/api/zaobao'
payload = {
'token': self.token,
'format': 'json'
result = request('POST', url, params=payload, headers=self.headers).json()
if result['code'] == 200:
image_url = result['config']['image']
c = request('GET', image_url).content
filename = r'D:\GI\network-tools\images\zaobao.png'
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
return filename
return 'api 错误或者失效了'
def oneiromancy(self, key):
:docs: https://www.apispace.com/eolink/api/zgjm/guidence/
url = "https://eolink.o.apispace.com/zgjm/common/dream/searchDreamDetail"
payload = {"keyword": key}
headers = {
"X-APISpace-Token": "zbxmug9fyd25pvq7b37urfl2yqm46f0g",
"Authorization-Type": "apikey",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
result = request('POST', url, data=payload, headers=headers).json()
if result['statusCode'] == '000000':
contents = result["result"]
msg = ''.join(f'关键字:{key}\n内容:{c["content"]}' for c in contents)
return msg
return 'api 错误或者失效了'
class BySpiderCommand(Spider):
By = None
def __init__(self):
self.By = {
'help': self.help_,
'other': self.other,
'疫情查询': self.query_virus_cities,
'出行防疫': self.get_healthy_travel,
'天气': self.get_weather,
'快递': self.query_logistics,
'早报': self.get_news_to_day,
'吃东西': self.what_to_eat_today,
'解梦': self.oneiromancy,
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