提交 2d450c62 编写于 作者: D Daniel Krupiński 提交者: eshellman

Create free-courses-pl.md (#2854)

上级 ab5c85c4
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This page is available as an easy-to-read website at [https://ebookfoundation.gi
[View the English list](/free-programming-books.md)
## Intro
This list was originally a clone of [stackoverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books](http://web.archive.org/web/20130824154208/http://stackoverflow.com/a/392926) with contributions from Karan Bhangui and George Stocker.
This list was originally a clone of [stackoverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books](http://web.archive.org/web/20130824154208/http://stackoverflow.com/a/392926) with contributions from Karan Bhangui and George Stocker.
The list was moved to GitHub by Victor Felder for collaborative updating and maintenance. It has grown to become one of the [most popular repositories on Github](https://octoverse.github.com/), with over 100,000 stars, over 4500 commits, over 950 contributors, and over 25,000 forks.
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ Please read [CONTRIBUTING](/CONTRIBUTING.md). If you're new to Github, [welcome]
+ [English](/free-courses-en.md)
+ [German](/free-courses-de.md)
+ [Italian](/free-courses-it.md)
+ [Polish](/free-courses-pl.md)
+ [Russian](/free-courses-ru.md)
+ [Spanish](/free-courses-es.md)
+ [Vietnamese](/free-courses-vi.md)
### Index
* [C++](#c-1)
### C++
* [Podejście obiektowe dla znających już podstawy C++ (VIDEO)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOYHgt8dIdozvOVheSRb_qPVU-4ZJA7uB) - Mirosław Zelent, Damian Stelmach
* [PROGRAMOWANIE W C++. KURS OD PODSTAW, DLA KAŻDEGO (VIDEO)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOYHgt8dIdoxx0Y5wzs7CFpmBzb40PaDo) - Mirosław Zelent, Damian Stelmach
......@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@
* [Kurs C++](http://cpp0x.pl/kursy/Kurs-C++/1) - Piotr Szawdyński
* [Megatutorial "Od zera do gier kodera"](http://xion.org.pl/productions/texts/coding/megatutorial/) - Karol Kuczmarski
* [Podejście obiektowe dla znających już podstawy C++ (VIDEO)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOYHgt8dIdozvOVheSRb_qPVU-4ZJA7uB) - Mirosław Zelent, Damian Stelmach
* [PROGRAMOWANIE W C++. KURS OD PODSTAW, DLA KAŻDEGO (VIDEO)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOYHgt8dIdoxx0Y5wzs7CFpmBzb40PaDo) - Mirosław Zelent, Damian Stelmach
### Common Lisp
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