未验证 提交 94fa4926 编写于 作者: rictjo's avatar rictjo 提交者: GitHub

Update quantification.py

上级 5ce4aeb3
......@@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ def function_field ( data:np.array , axis_type:str=None ,
return ( ms1 )
return( merge_function(m1,m0,ms1,ms0) )
def std_field ( data:np.array , axis_type:str=None , bRecirpocal:bool=True ) -> np.array :
def std_field ( data:np.array , axis_type:str=None , bReciprocal:bool=True ) -> np.array :
lm0,lm1 = np.shape(data)
if axis_type=='0' or str(axis_type) == str(None) :
m0 = np.std( data , axis=0 )
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