提交 02f388b8 编写于 作者: 饶先宏's avatar 饶先宏
DATE = "14:35:32 September 10, 2021"
# Revisions
PROJECT_REVISION = "de1_riscv_v5"
# This .sdc file is created by Terasic Tool.
# Users are recommended to modify this file to match users logic.
# Create Clock
create_clock -period 20.000ns [get_ports CLOCK2_50]
create_clock -period 20.000ns [get_ports CLOCK3_50]
create_clock -period 20.000ns [get_ports CLOCK4_50]
create_clock -period 20.000ns [get_ports CLOCK_50]
create_clock -period "27 MHz" -name tv_27m [get_ports TD_CLK27]
create_clock -period "100 MHz" -name clk_dram [get_ports DRAM_CLK]
# AUDIO : 48kHz 384fs 32-bit data
create_clock -period "18.432 MHz" -name clk_audxck [get_ports AUD_XCK]
create_clock -period "1.536 MH" -name clk_audbck [get_ports AUD_BCLK]
# VGA : 640x480@60Hz
#create_clock -period "25.18 MHz" -name clk_vga [get_ports VGA_CLK]
# VGA : 800x600@60Hz
#create_clock -period "40.0 MHz" -name clk_vga [get_ports VGA_CLK]
# VGA : 1024x768@60Hz
#create_clock -period "65.0 MHz" -name clk_vga [get_ports VGA_CLK]
# VGA : 1280x1024@60Hz
create_clock -period "108.0 MHz" -name clk_vga [get_ports VGA_CLK]
# for enhancing USB BlasterII to be reliable, 25MHz
create_clock -name {altera_reserved_tck} -period 40 {altera_reserved_tck}
set_input_delay -clock altera_reserved_tck -clock_fall 3 [get_ports altera_reserved_tdi]
set_input_delay -clock altera_reserved_tck -clock_fall 3 [get_ports altera_reserved_tms]
set_output_delay -clock altera_reserved_tck 3 [get_ports altera_reserved_tdo]
# Create Generated Clock
# Set Clock Latency
# Set Clock Uncertainty
# Set Input Delay
# Board Delay (Data) + Propagation Delay - Board Delay (Clock)
set_input_delay -max -clock clk_dram -0.048 [get_ports DRAM_DQ*]
set_input_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.057 [get_ports DRAM_DQ*]
set_input_delay -max -clock tv_27m 3.508 -clock_fall [get_ports TD_DATA*]
set_input_delay -min -clock tv_27m -2.539 -clock_fall [get_ports TD_DATA*]
set_input_delay -max -clock tv_27m 3.654 -clock_fall [get_ports TD_HS]
set_input_delay -min -clock tv_27m -2.454 -clock_fall [get_ports TD_HS]
set_input_delay -max -clock tv_27m 3.652 -clock_fall [get_ports TD_VS]
set_input_delay -min -clock tv_27m -2.456 -clock_fall [get_ports TD_VS]
# Set Output Delay
# max : Board Delay (Data) - Board Delay (Clock) + tsu (External Device)
# min : Board Delay (Data) - Board Delay (Clock) - th (External Device)
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.452 [get_ports DRAM_DQ*]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.857 [get_ports DRAM_DQ*]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.531 [get_ports DRAM_ADDR*]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.805 [get_ports DRAM_ADDR*]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.533 [get_ports DRAM_*DQM]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.805 [get_ports DRAM_*DQM]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.510 [get_ports DRAM_BA*]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.800 [get_ports DRAM_BA*]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.520 [get_ports DRAM_RAS_N]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.780 [get_ports DRAM_RAS_N]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.5000 [get_ports DRAM_CAS_N]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.800 [get_ports DRAM_CAS_N]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.545 [get_ports DRAM_WE_N]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.755 [get_ports DRAM_WE_N]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.496 [get_ports DRAM_CKE]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.804 [get_ports DRAM_CKE]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_dram 1.508 [get_ports DRAM_CS_N]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_dram -0.792 [get_ports DRAM_CS_N]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_vga 0.220 [get_ports VGA_R*]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_vga -1.506 [get_ports VGA_R*]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_vga 0.212 [get_ports VGA_G*]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_vga -1.519 [get_ports VGA_G*]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_vga 0.264 [get_ports VGA_B*]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_vga -1.519 [get_ports VGA_B*]
set_output_delay -max -clock clk_vga 0.215 [get_ports VGA_BLANK]
set_output_delay -min -clock clk_vga -1.485 [get_ports VGA_BLANK]
# Set Clock Groups
# Set False Path
# Set Multicycle Path
# Set Maximum Delay
# Set Minimum Delay
# Set Input Transition
# Set Load
// This code is generated by Terasic System Builder
`define USECLOCK50
module de1_riscv_v5(
//////////// ADC //////////
output ADC_CONVST,
output ADC_DIN,
input ADC_DOUT,
output ADC_SCLK,
//////////// Audio //////////
inout AUD_BCLK,
output AUD_DACDAT,
output AUD_XCK,
//////////// CLOCK //////////
input CLOCK2_50,
input CLOCK3_50,
input CLOCK4_50,
input CLOCK_50,
//////////// SDRAM //////////
output [12:0] DRAM_ADDR,
output [1:0] DRAM_BA,
output DRAM_CAS_N,
output DRAM_CKE,
output DRAM_CLK,
output DRAM_CS_N,
inout [15:0] DRAM_DQ,
output DRAM_LDQM,
output DRAM_RAS_N,
output DRAM_UDQM,
output DRAM_WE_N,
//////////// I2C for Audio and Video-In //////////
output FPGA_I2C_SCLK,
inout FPGA_I2C_SDAT,
//////////// SEG7 //////////
output [6:0] HEX0,
output [6:0] HEX1,
output [6:0] HEX2,
output [6:0] HEX3,
output [6:0] HEX4,
output [6:0] HEX5,
//////////// IR //////////
input IRDA_RXD,
output IRDA_TXD,
//////////// KEY //////////
input [3:0] KEY,
//////////// LED //////////
output [9:0] LEDR,
//////////// PS2 //////////
inout PS2_CLK,
inout PS2_CLK2,
inout PS2_DAT,
inout PS2_DAT2,
//////////// SW //////////
input [9:0] SW,
//////////// Video-In //////////
input TD_CLK27,
input [7:0] TD_DATA,
input TD_HS,
output TD_RESET_N,
input TD_VS,
//////////// VGA //////////
output VGA_BLANK_N,
output [7:0] VGA_B,
output VGA_CLK,
output [7:0] VGA_G,
output VGA_HS,
output [7:0] VGA_R,
output VGA_SYNC_N,
output VGA_VS,
//////////// GPIO_0, GPIO_0 connect to GPIO Default //////////
inout [35:0] GPIO
wire uart_tx;
wire uart_rx;
assign GPIO[5] = uart_tx;
assign GPIO[7] = 1'bz;
assign uart_rx = GPIO[7];
assign LEDR[0] = uart_tx;
assign LEDR[1] = uart_rx;
`ifdef USECLOCK50
wire wClk = CLOCK_50;
wire clk100MHz, clk75MHz, clklocked;
clk100M clk100(.refclk(CLOCK_50),
wire wClk = clk100MHz;
wire nwReset = KEY[3];
wire wWrite, wRead;
wire [31:0] bWriteAddr, bWriteData, bReadAddr, bReadData, bReadDataRam, bReadDataKey, bReadDataUart;
wire [3:0] bWriteMask;
reg [7:0] uart_tx_axis_tdata;
reg uart_tx_axis_tvalid;
wire uart_tx_axis_tready;
wire [7:0] uart_rx_axis_tdata;
wire uart_rx_axis_tvalid;
reg uart_rx_axis_tready;
uart_inst (
// AXI input
// AXI output
// uart
// status
// configuration
always @(posedge wClk or negedge nwReset) begin
if (~nwReset) begin
uart_tx_axis_tdata <= 0;
uart_tx_axis_tvalid <= 0;
uart_rx_axis_tready <= 0;
end else begin
if (uart_tx_axis_tvalid) begin
// attempting to transmit a byte
// so can't receive one at the moment
uart_rx_axis_tready <= 0;
// if it has been received, then clear the valid flag
if (uart_tx_axis_tready) begin
uart_tx_axis_tvalid <= 0;
end else begin
// ready to receive byte
uart_rx_axis_tready <= 1;
if (uart_rx_axis_tvalid) begin
// got one, so make sure it gets the correct ready signal
// (either clear it if it was set or set it if we just got a
// byte out of waiting for the transmitter to send one)
uart_rx_axis_tready <= ~uart_rx_axis_tready;
// send byte back out
uart_tx_axis_tdata <= uart_rx_axis_tdata;
uart_tx_axis_tvalid <= 1;
uart_ctrl uart_ctrl(
.wRead(((bReadAddr & 32'hffffff00) == 32'hf0000100)?wRead:1'b0),
.wWrite(((bWriteAddr & 32'hffffff00) == 32'hf0000100)?wWrite:1'b0),
/* AXI signal */
// Write Address
wire wAWValid;
wire [31 : 0] bAWAddr;
wire [2 : 0] bAWProt;
wire wAWReady = 1'b1;
// Write Data
wire wWValid;
wire [31 : 0] bWData;
wire [3 : 0] bWStrb;
wire wWReady = 1'b1;
// Write Response
wire wBReady;
wire [1 : 0] bBResp;
wire wBValid = 1'b1;
assign wWrite = wAWValid;
assign bWriteAddr = bAWAddr;
assign bWriteData = bWData;
assign bWriteMask = ~bWStrb;
reg read_r;
always@(posedge wClk)
read_r <= wRead;
// ReadAddr
wire wARValid;
wire [31 : 0] bARAddr;
wire [2 : 0] bARProt;
wire wARReady = 1'b1;
assign bReadAddr = bARAddr;
assign wRead = wARValid;
wire wRReady;
wire wRValid = read_r;
wire [31 : 0] bRData = bReadDataUart;
wire [1 : 0] bRResp = 1'b0;
riscv_core_with_axi_master riscv_core_with_axi(
// clock and reset
// Write Address
// Write Data
// Write Response
// ReadAddr
reg [6:0] led0;
reg [6:0] led1;
reg [6:0] led2;
reg [6:0] led3;
reg [6:0] led4;
reg [6:0] led5;
assign HEX0 = ~led0;
assign HEX1 = ~led1;
assign HEX2 = ~led2;
assign HEX3 = ~led3;
assign HEX4 = ~led4;
assign HEX5 = ~led5;
always @(posedge wClk) begin
if (!nwReset) begin
led0 <= 7'h3f;
led1 <= 7'h3f;
led2 <= 7'h3f;
led3 <= 7'h3f;
led4 <= 7'h3f;
led5 <= 7'h3f;
end else begin
if (SW[8]) begin
led0 <= 7'h06;
led1 <= 7'h06;
led2 <= 7'h06;
led3 <= 7'h07;
led4 <= 7'h07;
led5 <= 7'h07;
else if (SW[9]) begin
led0 <= 7'h3f;
led1 <= 7'h06;
led2 <= 7'h5b;
led3 <= 7'h4f;
led4 <= 7'h66;
led5 <= 7'h6d;
else if (wWrite && ((bWriteAddr & 32'hffffff00) == 32'hf0000000)) begin
if (bWriteAddr[7:0] == 8'h10) begin
led0 <= bWriteData[6:0];
led1 <= bWriteData[14:8];
led2 <= bWriteData[22:16];
led3 <= bWriteData[30:24];
end else if (bWriteAddr[7:0] == 8'h14) begin
led4 <= bWriteData[6:0];
led5 <= bWriteData[14:8];
int testadd() int testadd()
{ {
int i; int i;
int a[16] = {863339516, 821515056, 1083581092, -1690958248, 1933660748, -1566795136, -186993932, -508514392, -878058340, 387704272, -1386576060, -1070867208, -511952148, -1018022624, 872587156, 715427400, }; int a[16] = {-93274203, -76479575, -1782331155, 2052420465, 523347765, -582531015, -1687389571, 715301377, -1214618939, -176709431, -438992883, 1644848273, -911478187, 2052263257, -190850659, -763512031, };
int b[16] = {684048083, 417734967, -2021621029, -1690785857, -148925469, -2133357753, 1375212011, 1488055247, 1806900467, -716510889, -1714563845, -46554145, 202988035, 732511079, -180696053, -522661905, }; int b[16] = {1118302168, 499397580, -1694632960, -1642068876, -929597144, 807904796, 1843273552, -1723418428, 64980600, -926098324, -2066919776, -898780908, 645732296, -926886212, 619217392, 532802916, };
int c[16] = {1547387599, 1239250023, -938039937, 913223191, 1784735279, 594814407, 1188218079, 979540855, 928842127, -328806617, 1193827391, -1117421353, -308964113, -285511545, 691891103, 192765495, }; int c[16] = {1025027965, 422918005, 818003181, 410351589, -406249379, 225373781, 155883981, -1008117051, -1149638339, -1102807755, 1789054637, 746067365, -265745891, 1125377045, 428366733, -230709115, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] + b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] + b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ int testadd() ...@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ int testadd()
int testsub() int testsub()
{ {
int i; int i;
int a[16] = {863339516, 821515056, 1083581092, -1690958248, 1933660748, -1566795136, -186993932, -508514392, -878058340, 387704272, -1386576060, -1070867208, -511952148, -1018022624, 872587156, 715427400, }; int a[16] = {-93274203, -76479575, -1782331155, 2052420465, 523347765, -582531015, -1687389571, 715301377, -1214618939, -176709431, -438992883, 1644848273, -911478187, 2052263257, -190850659, -763512031, };
int b[16] = {684048083, 417734967, -2021621029, -1690785857, -148925469, -2133357753, 1375212011, 1488055247, 1806900467, -716510889, -1714563845, -46554145, 202988035, 732511079, -180696053, -522661905, }; int b[16] = {1118302168, 499397580, -1694632960, -1642068876, -929597144, 807904796, 1843273552, -1723418428, 64980600, -926098324, -2066919776, -898780908, 645732296, -926886212, 619217392, 532802916, };
int c[16] = {179291433, 403780089, -1189765175, -172391, 2082586217, 566562617, -1562205943, -1996569639, 1610008489, 1104215161, 327987785, -1024313063, -714940183, -1750533703, 1053283209, 1238089305, }; int c[16] = {-1211576371, -575877155, -87698195, -600477955, 1452944909, -1390435811, 764304173, -1856247491, -1279599539, 749388893, 1627926893, -1751338115, -1557210483, -1315817827, -810068051, -1296314947, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] - b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] - b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ int testsub() ...@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ int testsub()
int testmul() int testmul()
{ {
int i; int i;
int a[16] = {863339516, 821515056, 1083581092, -1690958248, 1933660748, -1566795136, -186993932, -508514392, -878058340, 387704272, -1386576060, -1070867208, -511952148, -1018022624, 872587156, 715427400, }; int a[16] = {-93274203, -76479575, -1782331155, 2052420465, 523347765, -582531015, -1687389571, 715301377, -1214618939, -176709431, -438992883, 1644848273, -911478187, 2052263257, -190850659, -763512031, };
int b[16] = {684048083, 417734967, -2021621029, -1690785857, -148925469, -2133357753, 1375212011, 1488055247, 1806900467, -716510889, -1714563845, -46554145, 202988035, 732511079, -180696053, -522661905, }; int b[16] = {1118302168, 499397580, -1694632960, -1642068876, -929597144, 807904796, 1843273552, -1723418428, 64980600, -926098324, -2066919776, -898780908, 645732296, -926886212, 619217392, 532802916, };
int c[16] = {-1833119564, -1543762096, 1275521612, -1229839448, 6397284, -489531008, -620463620, -498777896, -195489772, -1127913040, -449122388, -1625332728, 574073028, -93208608, 516868956, -345174728, }; int c[16] = {548388408, -735210068, -1078270976, -257551564, 1611476296, 491772988, 639724048, 1849344196, 950823512, -2066706228, -253952480, 336927828, -224660120, -857328804, 751575088, -1304713756, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] * b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] * b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ int testmul() ...@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ int testmul()
int testdiv() int testdiv()
{ {
int i; int i;
int a[16] = {863339516, 821515056, 1083581092, -1690958248, 1933660748, -1566795136, -186993932, -508514392, -878058340, 387704272, -1386576060, -1070867208, -511952148, -1018022624, 872587156, 715427400, }; int a[16] = {-93274203, -76479575, -1782331155, 2052420465, 523347765, -582531015, -1687389571, 715301377, -1214618939, -176709431, -438992883, 1644848273, -911478187, 2052263257, -190850659, -763512031, };
int b[16] = {684048083, 417734967, -2021621029, -1690785857, -148925469, -2133357753, 1375212011, 1488055247, 1806900467, -716510889, -1714563845, -46554145, 202988035, 732511079, -180696053, -522661905, }; int b[16] = {1118302168, 499397580, -1694632960, -1642068876, -929597144, 807904796, 1843273552, -1723418428, 64980600, -926098324, -2066919776, -898780908, 645732296, -926886212, 619217392, 532802916, };
int c[16] = {1, 1, 0, 1, -12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, -2, -1, -4, -1, }; int c[16] = {0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -18, 0, 0, -1, -1, -2, 0, -1, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] / b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] / b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ int testdiv() ...@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ int testdiv()
int testmod() int testmod()
{ {
int i; int i;
int a[16] = {863339516, 821515056, 1083581092, -1690958248, 1933660748, -1566795136, -186993932, -508514392, -878058340, 387704272, -1386576060, -1070867208, -511952148, -1018022624, 872587156, 715427400, }; int a[16] = {-93274203, -76479575, -1782331155, 2052420465, 523347765, -582531015, -1687389571, 715301377, -1214618939, -176709431, -438992883, 1644848273, -911478187, 2052263257, -190850659, -763512031, };
int b[16] = {684048083, 417734967, -2021621029, -1690785857, -148925469, -2133357753, 1375212011, 1488055247, 1806900467, -716510889, -1714563845, -46554145, 202988035, 732511079, -180696053, -522661905, }; int b[16] = {1118302168, 499397580, -1694632960, -1642068876, -929597144, 807904796, 1843273552, -1723418428, 64980600, -926098324, -2066919776, -898780908, 645732296, -926886212, 619217392, 532802916, };
int c[16] = {179291433, 403780089, 1083581092, -172391, 146555120, -1566795136, -186993932, -508514392, -878058340, 387704272, -1386576060, -121873, -105976078, -285511545, 149802944, 192765495, }; int c[16] = {-93274203, -76479575, -87698195, 410351589, 523347765, -582531015, -1687389571, 715301377, -44968139, -176709431, -438992883, 746067365, -265745891, 198490833, -190850659, -230709115, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] % b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] % b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ int testmod() ...@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ int testmod()
int testaddu() int testaddu()
{ {
int i; int i;
unsigned int a[16] = {0xc8fb2a4d, 0xb9e89321, 0x94f4fe35, 0xb2451f89, 0xb9b5eb1d, 0xe07094f1, 0xa4be9105, 0x7c1d9359, 0x27938fed, 0xa242bac1, 0xde3d87d5, 0xc39aab29, 0x25c918bd, 0xa3240491, 0xa2c6e2a5, 0xe4a166f9, }; unsigned int a[16] = {0x2368eb3e, 0xdffcef62, 0xfff97ec6, 0x344e1d6a, 0xce038f4e, 0x6a1fd872, 0x94ca3cd6, 0xa7af407a, 0x67a4a75e, 0x258d7582, 0x667deee6, 0x571f978a, 0x8e55336e, 0xe31ec692, 0x59bd94f6, 0x6c18229a, };
unsigned int b[16] = {0xdb5893dc, 0x52e4a960, 0x4f6cb824, 0xa452a428, 0xe6cf916c, 0x0537e3f0, 0x637f3fb4, 0x20fc88b8, 0x6b6de2fc, 0x033cb280, 0x55019b44, 0xcc488148, 0x4394888c, 0xb5a41510, 0x93f4cad4, 0x66878dd8, }; unsigned int b[16] = {0x36225509, 0x5debd89d, 0xc238ba71, 0x7b4a6e85, 0x3616a8d9, 0xc09b5d6d, 0xb072c041, 0x57a74555, 0x7bc7a0a9, 0x833ac63d, 0x0cd3ea11, 0x25a68025, 0x911a3c79, 0xd73f130d, 0x0d6137e1, 0x8cdd1ef5, };
unsigned int c[16] = {0xa453be29, 0x0ccd3c81, 0xe461b659, 0x5697c3b1, 0xa0857c89, 0xe5a878e1, 0x083dd0b9, 0x9d1a1c11, 0x930172e9, 0xa57f6d41, 0x333f2319, 0x8fe32c71, 0x695da149, 0x58c819a1, 0x36bbad79, 0x4b28f4d1, }; unsigned int c[16] = {0x598b4047, 0x3de8c7ff, 0xc2323937, 0xaf988bef, 0x041a3827, 0x2abb35df, 0x453cfd17, 0xff5685cf, 0xe36c4807, 0xa8c83bbf, 0x7351d8f7, 0x7cc617af, 0x1f6f6fe7, 0xba5dd99f, 0x671eccd7, 0xf8f5418f, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] + b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] + b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ int testaddu() ...@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ int testaddu()
int testsubu() int testsubu()
{ {
int i; int i;
unsigned int a[16] = {0xc8fb2a4d, 0xb9e89321, 0x94f4fe35, 0xb2451f89, 0xb9b5eb1d, 0xe07094f1, 0xa4be9105, 0x7c1d9359, 0x27938fed, 0xa242bac1, 0xde3d87d5, 0xc39aab29, 0x25c918bd, 0xa3240491, 0xa2c6e2a5, 0xe4a166f9, }; unsigned int a[16] = {0x2368eb3e, 0xdffcef62, 0xfff97ec6, 0x344e1d6a, 0xce038f4e, 0x6a1fd872, 0x94ca3cd6, 0xa7af407a, 0x67a4a75e, 0x258d7582, 0x667deee6, 0x571f978a, 0x8e55336e, 0xe31ec692, 0x59bd94f6, 0x6c18229a, };
unsigned int b[16] = {0xdb5893dc, 0x52e4a960, 0x4f6cb824, 0xa452a428, 0xe6cf916c, 0x0537e3f0, 0x637f3fb4, 0x20fc88b8, 0x6b6de2fc, 0x033cb280, 0x55019b44, 0xcc488148, 0x4394888c, 0xb5a41510, 0x93f4cad4, 0x66878dd8, }; unsigned int b[16] = {0x36225509, 0x5debd89d, 0xc238ba71, 0x7b4a6e85, 0x3616a8d9, 0xc09b5d6d, 0xb072c041, 0x57a74555, 0x7bc7a0a9, 0x833ac63d, 0x0cd3ea11, 0x25a68025, 0x911a3c79, 0xd73f130d, 0x0d6137e1, 0x8cdd1ef5, };
unsigned int c[16] = {0xeda29671, 0x6703e9c1, 0x45884611, 0x0df27b61, 0xd2e659b1, 0xdb38b101, 0x413f5151, 0x5b210aa1, 0xbc25acf1, 0x9f060841, 0x893bec91, 0xf75229e1, 0xe2349031, 0xed7fef81, 0x0ed217d1, 0x7e19d921, }; unsigned int c[16] = {0xed469635, 0x821116c5, 0x3dc0c455, 0xb903aee5, 0x97ece675, 0xa9847b05, 0xe4577c95, 0x5007fb25, 0xebdd06b5, 0xa252af45, 0x59aa04d5, 0x31791765, 0xfd3af6f5, 0x0bdfb385, 0x4c5c5d15, 0xdf3b03a5, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] - b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] - b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ int testsubu() ...@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ int testsubu()
int testmulu() int testmulu()
{ {
int i; int i;
unsigned int a[16] = {0xc8fb2a4d, 0xb9e89321, 0x94f4fe35, 0xb2451f89, 0xb9b5eb1d, 0xe07094f1, 0xa4be9105, 0x7c1d9359, 0x27938fed, 0xa242bac1, 0xde3d87d5, 0xc39aab29, 0x25c918bd, 0xa3240491, 0xa2c6e2a5, 0xe4a166f9, }; unsigned int a[16] = {0x2368eb3e, 0xdffcef62, 0xfff97ec6, 0x344e1d6a, 0xce038f4e, 0x6a1fd872, 0x94ca3cd6, 0xa7af407a, 0x67a4a75e, 0x258d7582, 0x667deee6, 0x571f978a, 0x8e55336e, 0xe31ec692, 0x59bd94f6, 0x6c18229a, };
unsigned int b[16] = {0xdb5893dc, 0x52e4a960, 0x4f6cb824, 0xa452a428, 0xe6cf916c, 0x0537e3f0, 0x637f3fb4, 0x20fc88b8, 0x6b6de2fc, 0x033cb280, 0x55019b44, 0xcc488148, 0x4394888c, 0xb5a41510, 0x93f4cad4, 0x66878dd8, }; unsigned int b[16] = {0x36225509, 0x5debd89d, 0xc238ba71, 0x7b4a6e85, 0x3616a8d9, 0xc09b5d6d, 0xb072c041, 0x57a74555, 0x7bc7a0a9, 0x833ac63d, 0x0cd3ea11, 0x25a68025, 0x911a3c79, 0xd73f130d, 0x0d6137e1, 0x8cdd1ef5, };
unsigned int c[16] = {0x5a9a912c, 0xdbbbf560, 0xa285d774, 0x00e2b168, 0x8d5d9d3c, 0xf26454f0, 0x9c293284, 0x17252ff8, 0x9139e74c, 0x8f739280, 0x8a6b0b94, 0xc347cc88, 0x4361ef5c, 0x98842e10, 0x7fcde2a4, 0x51350718, }; unsigned int c[16] = {0x6707db2e, 0x210f7f1a, 0x0a8cd166, 0x2bdcd412, 0xbbc3a91e, 0x4e36928a, 0xac45f256, 0x6f274a82, 0x985f3d0e, 0x810b8bfa, 0x9a4d1946, 0x98d1e6f2, 0xc57f16fe, 0x4d3aeb6a, 0x89d6c636, 0x5e192962, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] * b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] * b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ int testmulu() ...@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ int testmulu()
int testdivu() int testdivu()
{ {
int i; int i;
unsigned int a[16] = {0xc8fb2a4d, 0xb9e89321, 0x94f4fe35, 0xb2451f89, 0xb9b5eb1d, 0xe07094f1, 0xa4be9105, 0x7c1d9359, 0x27938fed, 0xa242bac1, 0xde3d87d5, 0xc39aab29, 0x25c918bd, 0xa3240491, 0xa2c6e2a5, 0xe4a166f9, }; unsigned int a[16] = {0x2368eb3e, 0xdffcef62, 0xfff97ec6, 0x344e1d6a, 0xce038f4e, 0x6a1fd872, 0x94ca3cd6, 0xa7af407a, 0x67a4a75e, 0x258d7582, 0x667deee6, 0x571f978a, 0x8e55336e, 0xe31ec692, 0x59bd94f6, 0x6c18229a, };
unsigned int b[16] = {0xdb5893dc, 0x52e4a960, 0x4f6cb824, 0xa452a428, 0xe6cf916c, 0x0537e3f0, 0x637f3fb4, 0x20fc88b8, 0x6b6de2fc, 0x033cb280, 0x55019b44, 0xcc488148, 0x4394888c, 0xb5a41510, 0x93f4cad4, 0x66878dd8, }; unsigned int b[16] = {0x36225509, 0x5debd89d, 0xc238ba71, 0x7b4a6e85, 0x3616a8d9, 0xc09b5d6d, 0xb072c041, 0x57a74555, 0x7bc7a0a9, 0x833ac63d, 0x0cd3ea11, 0x25a68025, 0x911a3c79, 0xd73f130d, 0x0d6137e1, 0x8cdd1ef5, };
unsigned int c[16] = {0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x0000002b, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, 0x00000032, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000002, }; unsigned int c[16] = {0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000007, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000006, 0x00000000, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] / b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] / b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ int testdivu() ...@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ int testdivu()
int testmodu() int testmodu()
{ {
int i; int i;
unsigned int a[16] = {0xc8fb2a4d, 0xb9e89321, 0x94f4fe35, 0xb2451f89, 0xb9b5eb1d, 0xe07094f1, 0xa4be9105, 0x7c1d9359, 0x27938fed, 0xa242bac1, 0xde3d87d5, 0xc39aab29, 0x25c918bd, 0xa3240491, 0xa2c6e2a5, 0xe4a166f9, }; unsigned int a[16] = {0x2368eb3e, 0xdffcef62, 0xfff97ec6, 0x344e1d6a, 0xce038f4e, 0x6a1fd872, 0x94ca3cd6, 0xa7af407a, 0x67a4a75e, 0x258d7582, 0x667deee6, 0x571f978a, 0x8e55336e, 0xe31ec692, 0x59bd94f6, 0x6c18229a, };
unsigned int b[16] = {0xdb5893dc, 0x52e4a960, 0x4f6cb824, 0xa452a428, 0xe6cf916c, 0x0537e3f0, 0x637f3fb4, 0x20fc88b8, 0x6b6de2fc, 0x033cb280, 0x55019b44, 0xcc488148, 0x4394888c, 0xb5a41510, 0x93f4cad4, 0x66878dd8, }; unsigned int b[16] = {0x36225509, 0x5debd89d, 0xc238ba71, 0x7b4a6e85, 0x3616a8d9, 0xc09b5d6d, 0xb072c041, 0x57a74555, 0x7bc7a0a9, 0x833ac63d, 0x0cd3ea11, 0x25a68025, 0x911a3c79, 0xd73f130d, 0x0d6137e1, 0x8cdd1ef5, };
unsigned int c[16] = {0xc8fb2a4d, 0x141f4061, 0x45884611, 0x0df27b61, 0xb9b5eb1d, 0x000d4ba1, 0x413f5151, 0x1927f931, 0x27938fed, 0x0067ddc1, 0x343a514d, 0xc39aab29, 0x25c918bd, 0xa3240491, 0x0ed217d1, 0x17924b49, }; unsigned int c[16] = {0x2368eb3e, 0x24253e28, 0x3dc0c455, 0x344e1d6a, 0x2bbf94c3, 0x6a1fd872, 0x94ca3cd6, 0x5007fb25, 0x67a4a75e, 0x258d7582, 0x0cb2886f, 0x0bd29740, 0x8e55336e, 0x0bdfb385, 0x097645b0, 0x6c18229a, };
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (a[i] % b[i] != c[i]) if (a[i] % b[i] != c[i])
return i; return i;
...@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master ( ...@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master (
input wire wARReady, input wire wARReady,
//ReadData //ReadData
output wire wRReady output wire wRReady,
input wire wRValid, input wire wRValid,
input wire [31 : 0] bRData, input wire [31 : 0] bRData,
input wire [1 : 0] bRResp input wire [1 : 0] bRResp
...@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master ( ...@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master (
wire wWrite, wRead, wReadReady, wWriteReady; wire wWrite, wRead, wReadReady, wWriteReady;
wire [31:0] bWriteAddr, bWriteData, bReadAddr, bReadData, bReadDataRam, bReadDataKey; wire [31:0] bWriteAddr, bWriteData, bReadAddr, bReadData, bReadDataRam, bReadDataKey;
wire [3:0] bWriteMask;
wire [4:0] regno; wire [4:0] regno;
wire [3:0] regena; wire [3:0] regena;
...@@ -66,8 +67,34 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master ( ...@@ -66,8 +67,34 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master (
wire regwren2; wire regwren2;
wire [31:0] regrddata2; wire [31:0] regrddata2;
reg [31:0] lastreadaddr;
reg lastread;
always @(posedge wClk)
if (~nwReset) begin
lastreadaddr <= 0;
lastread <= 0;
end else begin
lastreadaddr <= bReadAddr;
lastread <= wRead;
assign bReadData =
((lastreadaddr & 32'hffffff00) == 32'hf0000000) ? bRData : (
((lastreadaddr & 32'hff000000) == 32'h00000000) ? bReadDataRam : (32'h0)
assign wReadReady = ((lastreadaddr & 32'hf0000000) == 32'hf0000000) ? wRValid : (
((lastreadaddr & 32'hfff00000) == 32'h00000000) ? lastread : (0)
wire [29:0] ramaddr;
assign ramaddr = wWrite?bWriteAddr[31:2]:bReadAddr[31:2];
regfile regs(regno, regena, wClk, regwrdata, regwren, regrddata); regfile regs(regno, regena, wClk, regwrdata, regwren, regrddata);
regfile regs2(regno2, regena2, wClk, regwrdata2, regwren2, regrddata2); regfile regs2(regno2, regena2, wClk, regwrdata2, regwren2, regrddata2);
ram4kB ram(ramaddr, ~bWriteMask, wClk, bWriteData, ((bWriteAddr & 32'hff000000) == 0)?wWrite:1'b0, bReadDataRam);
riscv_core core(wClk, nwReset, riscv_core core(wClk, nwReset,
wWrite, bWriteAddr, bWriteData, bWriteMask, wWriteReady, wWrite, bWriteAddr, bWriteData, bWriteMask, wWriteReady,
wRead, bReadAddr, bReadData, wReadReady, wRead, bReadAddr, bReadData, wReadReady,
...@@ -89,9 +116,7 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master ( ...@@ -89,9 +116,7 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master (
awvalid <= 1'b0; awvalid <= 1'b0;
end end
assign wWriteReady = (wWrite || awvalid) && wAWReady; always @(wWrite or awvalid or bWriteAddr or awaddr)
always @(*)
begin begin
axi_awvalid = wWrite ? 1'b1 : awvalid; axi_awvalid = wWrite ? 1'b1 : awvalid;
axi_awaddr = wWrite ? bWriteAddr : awaddr; axi_awaddr = wWrite ? bWriteAddr : awaddr;
...@@ -101,7 +126,7 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master ( ...@@ -101,7 +126,7 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master (
reg [31:0] wdata; reg [31:0] wdata;
reg [3:0] wstrb; reg [3:0] wstrb;
reg wvalid; reg wvalid;
always @(wClk) always @(posedge wClk)
begin begin
if (~nwReset) begin if (~nwReset) begin
wvalid <= 1'b0; wvalid <= 1'b0;
...@@ -114,7 +139,9 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master ( ...@@ -114,7 +139,9 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master (
end end
end end
always @(*) assign wWriteReady = ((wWrite || wvalid) && wWReady) || ((bWriteAddr & 32'hfff00000) == 32'h00000000);
always @(wWrite or wvalid or bWriteData or wdata or bWriteMask or wstrb)
begin begin
axi_wvalid = wWrite ? 1'b1 : wvalid; axi_wvalid = wWrite ? 1'b1 : wvalid;
axi_wdata = wWrite ? bWriteData : wdata; axi_wdata = wWrite ? bWriteData : wdata;
...@@ -134,14 +161,10 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master ( ...@@ -134,14 +161,10 @@ module riscv_core_with_axi_master (
arvalid <= 1'b0; arvalid <= 1'b0;
end end
assign wReadyReady = (wRead || arvalid) && wARReady; always @(wRead or arvalid or bReadAddr or araddr)
always @(*)
begin begin
axi_arvalid = wRead ? 1'b1 : arvalid; axi_arvalid = wRead ? 1'b1 : arvalid;
axi_araddr = wRead ? bReadAddr : araddr; axi_araddr = wRead ? bReadAddr : araddr;
end end
assign bReadData = bRData;
endmodule endmodule
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
module riscv_core_with_axi_master (
// clock and reset
input wire wClk,
input wire nwReset,
// Write Address
output wire wAWValid,
output wire [31 : 0] bAWAddr,
output wire [2 : 0] bAWProt,
input wire wAWReady,
// Write Data
output wire wWValid,
output wire [31 : 0] bWData,
output wire [3 : 0] bWStrb,
input wire wWReady,
// Write Response
output wire wBReady,
input wire [1 : 0] bBResp,
input wire wBValid,
// ReadAddr
output wire wARValid,
output wire [31 : 0] bARAddr,
output wire [2 : 0] bARProt,
input wire wARReady,
output wire wRReady,
input wire wRValid,
input wire [31 : 0] bRData,
input wire [1 : 0] bRResp
reg axi_awvalid; assign wAWValid = axi_awvalid;
reg [31:0] axi_awaddr; assign bAWAddr = axi_awaddr;
assign bAWProt = 3'b000;
reg axi_wvalid; assign wWValid = axi_wvalid;
reg [31:0] axi_wdata; assign bWData = axi_wdata;
reg [3:0] axi_wstrb; assign bWStrb = axi_wstrb;
assign wBReady = 1'b1;
reg axi_arvalid; assign wARValid = axi_arvalid;
reg [31:0] axi_araddr; assign bARAddr = axi_araddr;
assign bARProt = 3'b001;
assign wRReady = 1'b1;
wire wWrite, wRead, wReadReady, wWriteReady;
wire [31:0] bWriteAddr, bWriteData, bReadAddr, bReadData, bReadDataRam, bReadDataKey;
wire [4:0] regno;
wire [3:0] regena;
wire [31:0] regwrdata;
wire regwren;
wire [31:0] regrddata;
wire [4:0] regno2;
wire [3:0] regena2;
wire [31:0] regwrdata2;
wire regwren2;
wire [31:0] regrddata2;
reg [31:0] lastreadaddr;
reg lastread;
always @(posedge wClk)
if (~nwReset) begin
lastreadaddr <= 0;
lastread <= 0;
end else begin
lastreadaddr <= bReadAddr;
lastread <= wRead;
assign bReadData =
((lastreadaddr & 32'hffffff00) == 32'hf0000000) ? bRData : (
((lastreadaddr & 32'hff000000) == 32'h00000000) ? bReadDataRam : (32'h0)
assign wReadReady = ((lastreadaddr & 32'hf0000000) == 32'hf0000000) ? bRData : (
((lastreadaddr & 32'hfff00000) == 32'h00000000) ? lastread : (0)
wire [29:0] ramaddr;
assign ramaddr = wWrite?bWriteAddr[31:2]:bReadAddr[31:2];
regfile regs(regno, regena, wClk, regwrdata, regwren, regrddata);
regfile regs2(regno2, regena2, wClk, regwrdata2, regwren2, regrddata2);
ram4kB ram(ramaddr, ~bWriteMask, wClk, bWriteData, ((bWriteAddr & 32'hff000000) == 0)?wWrite:1'b0, bReadDataRam);
riscv_core core(wClk, nwReset,
wWrite, bWriteAddr, bWriteData, bWriteMask, wWriteReady,
wRead, bReadAddr, bReadData, wReadReady,
regno, regena, regwrdata, regwren, regrddata,
regno2, regena2, regwrdata2, regwren2, regrddata2
//Write Address
reg [31:0] awaddr;
reg awvalid;
always @(posedge wClk)
if (~nwReset) begin
awvalid <= 1'b0;
end else if (wWrite) begin
awaddr <= bWriteAddr;
awvalid <= 1'b1;
end else if (wAWReady) begin
awvalid <= 1'b0;
always @(*)
axi_awvalid = wWrite ? 1'b1 : awvalid;
axi_awaddr = wWrite ? bWriteAddr : awaddr;
/* Write Data */
reg [31:0] wdata;
reg [3:0] wstrb;
reg wvalid;
always @(wClk)
if (~nwReset) begin
wvalid <= 1'b0;
end if (wWrite) begin
wdata <= bWriteData;
wstrb <= ~bWriteMask;
wvalid <= 1'b1;
end if (wWReady) begin
wvalid <= 1'b0;
assign wWriteReady = ((wWrite || wvalid) && wWReady) || ((bWriteAddr & 32'hfff00000) == 32'h00000000);
always @(*)
axi_wvalid = wWrite ? 1'b1 : wvalid;
axi_wdata = wWrite ? bWriteData : wdata;
axi_wstrb = wWrite ? ~bWriteMask : wstrb;
//Read Address
reg [31:0] araddr;
reg arvalid;
always @(posedge wClk)
if (~nwReset) begin
arvalid <= 1'b0;
end else if (wRead) begin
araddr <= bReadAddr;
arvalid <= 1'b1;
end else if (wARReady) begin
arvalid <= 1'b0;
always @(*)
axi_arvalid = wRead ? 1'b1 : arvalid;
axi_araddr = wRead ? bReadAddr : araddr;
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