deps jars

上级 d84b83e3
......@@ -34,11 +34,24 @@
*(MAXKEY-200833) MGT管理SAML上传问题、IDP元数据链接优化、主键生成修复、元数据参数配置调整
*(MAXKEY-200834) MGT管理TOKENBASED令牌主键生成修复
*(MAXKEY-200835) 依赖jar升级
tomcat 9.0.38
passay 1.6.0
springBoot 2.3.3.RELEASE
springSecurity 5.3.4.RELEASE
hibernate 6.1.5.Final
springBootVersion 2.3.4.RELEASE
springVersion 5.2.9.RELEASE
springSecurityVersion 5.4.0
guava 29.0-jre
joda-time 2.10.6
ehcache 3.9.0
alibaba druid 1.1.24
fastjson 1.2.73
jackson 2.11.2
tink 1.4.0
JustAuth 1.15.7
nimbus-jose-jwt 9.0.1
commons-lang3 3.11
commons-io 2.8.0
commons-codec 1.15
hibernate 6.1.5.Final
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ author =shimingxy
log4jVersion =2.13.3
springVersion =5.2.9.RELEASE
springBootVersion =2.3.4.RELEASE
springSecurityVersion =5.3.4.RELEASE
springSecurityVersion =5.4.0
hibernateVersion =6.1.5.Final
slf4jVersion =1.7.30
jacksonVersion =2.11.2
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