提交 72619bb4 编写于 作者: M Megvii Engine Team

fix(whl/linux): fix mv failed if output have old whl

GitOrigin-RevId: c03ed56c614039f108a0185ba75f1c284282c2ef
上级 9682db98
......@@ -99,13 +99,12 @@ do
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BUILD_DIR}/dnn/cuda-stub:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH auditwheel repair -L ${NEW_LIB_PATH} ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/dist/Meg*.whl
mkdir -p ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/manylinux2010/output/wheelhouse
cd ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/manylinux2010/output/wheelhouse
mv ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/dist/Meg*${ver}*.whl .
cd ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/dist/
org_whl_name=`ls Meg*${ver}*.whl`
compat_whl_name=`echo ${org_whl_name} | sed 's/linux/manylinux2010/'`
echo "org whl name: ${org_whl_name}"
echo "comapt whl name: ${compat_whl_name}"
mv ${org_whl_name} ${compat_whl_name}
mv ${org_whl_name} ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/manylinux2010/output/wheelhouse/${compat_whl_name}
cd /home/output
chown -R ${UID}.${UID} .
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