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上级 8b928653
......@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ dream:
- appId: wxc03edcd008ad1e70
appSecret: 11ed9e2b8e3e3c131e7be320a42b2b5a
token: 123456
encodingAesKey: xxx
messageEncrypt: true
app-id: wx4f53594f9a6b3dcb
app-secret: eec6482ba3804df05bd10895bace0579
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ dream:
token: 123456
- appId: wx9803d1188fa5fbda
appSecret: db859c968763c582794e7c3d003c3d87
token: 123456
encodingAesKey: xxx
messageEncrypt: true
app-id: wx4f53594f9a6b3dcb
app-secret: eec6482ba3804df05bd10895bace0579
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