未验证 提交 2b3ce377 编写于 作者: Y yukun 提交者: GitHub

Terms of must and must_not together are not working (#4624)

Signed-off-by: Nfishpenguin <kun.yu@zilliz.com>
上级 412f7052
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Please mark all changes in change log and use the issue from GitHub
- \#4488 get_entity_by_id() performance is poor in 0.11.0
- \#4511 Insert should be failed if field type not matched
- \#4536 restful api /collections/{collection_name}/partitions (DELETE) didn't work
- \#4619 Terms of must and must_not together are not working
## Feature
- \#4163 Update C++ sdk search interface
......@@ -347,7 +347,8 @@ ExecutionEngineImpl::ExecBinaryQuery(const milvus::query::GeneralQueryPtr& gener
} else {
switch (general_query->bin->relation) {
case milvus::query::QueryRelation::AND:
case milvus::query::QueryRelation::R1: {
case milvus::query::QueryRelation::R1:
case milvus::query::QueryRelation::R4: {
bitset = (*left_bitset) & (*right_bitset);
......@@ -357,10 +358,6 @@ ExecutionEngineImpl::ExecBinaryQuery(const milvus::query::GeneralQueryPtr& gener
bitset = (*left_bitset) | (*right_bitset);
case milvus::query::QueryRelation::R4: {
bitset = (*left_bitset) & (right_bitset->negate());
default: {
std::string msg = "Invalid QueryRelation in BinaryQuery";
return Status{SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT, msg};
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