提交 a68fbb51 编写于 作者: TodayCoding's avatar TodayCoding

ng-alain15-example main config menu

上级 51e98530
......@@ -89,6 +89,280 @@ export class StartupService {
link: '/dashboard',
icon: { type: 'icon', value: 'appstore' }
text: 'Micro1',
icon: { type: 'icon', value: 'appstore' },
children: [
text: '主导航',
group: true,
hideInBreadcrumb: true,
children: [
text: '仪表盘',
icon: 'anticon-dashboard',
children: [
text: '默认页',
link: '/micro1/dashboard/v1',
text: '分析页',
link: '/micro1/dashboard/analysis',
text: '监控页',
link: '/micro1/dashboard/monitor',
text: '工作台',
link: '/micro1/dashboard/workplace',
text: '小部件',
link: '/micro1/widgets',
icon: 'anticon-appstore',
text: 'Alain',
group: true,
hideInBreadcrumb: true,
children: [
text: '样式',
icon: 'anticon-info',
children: [
text: '字体排印',
link: '/micro1/style/typography',
text: '瀑布流',
link: '/micro1/style/gridmasonry',
text: '色彩',
link: '/micro1/style/colors',
text: 'Delon 类库',
icon: 'anticon-bulb',
children: [
text: '动态表单',
link: '/micro1/delon/form',
text: '简易表格',
link: '/micro1/delon/st',
text: '工具集',
link: '/micro1/delon/util',
text: '打印',
link: '/micro1/delon/print',
text: '二维码',
link: '/micro1/delon/qr',
text: '基于角色访问控制',
link: '/micro1/delon/acl',
text: '路由守卫',
link: '/micro1/delon/guard',
text: '字典缓存',
link: '/micro1/delon/cache',
text: '下载文件',
link: '/micro1/delon/downfile',
text: 'Excel操作',
link: '/micro1/delon/xlsx',
text: '本地解压缩',
link: '/micro1/delon/zip',
text: 'Antd Pro',
group: true,
hideInBreadcrumb: true,
children: [
text: '表单页',
link: '/micro1/pro/form',
icon: 'anticon-edit',
children: [
text: '基础表单',
link: '/micro1/pro/form/basic-form',
text: '分步表单',
link: '/micro1/pro/form/step-form',
text: '高级表单',
link: '/micro1/pro/form/advanced-form',
text: '列表页',
icon: 'anticon-appstore',
children: [
text: '查询表格',
link: '/micro1/pro/list/table-list',
text: '标准列表',
link: '/micro1/pro/list/basic-list',
text: '卡片列表',
link: '/micro1/pro/list/card-list',
text: '搜索列表',
children: [
text: '搜索列表(文章)',
link: '/micro1/pro/list/articles',
text: '搜索列表(项目)',
link: '/micro1/pro/list/projects',
text: '搜索列表(应用)',
link: '/micro1/pro/list/applications',
text: '详情页',
icon: 'anticon-profile',
children: [
text: '基础详情页',
link: '/micro1/pro/profile/basic',
text: '高级详情页',
link: '/micro1/pro/profile/advanced',
text: '结果页',
icon: 'anticon-check-circle',
children: [
text: '成功页',
link: '/micro1/pro/result/success',
text: '失败页',
link: '/micro1/pro/result/fail',
text: '异常页',
link: '/micro1/',
icon: 'anticon-exception',
children: [
text: '403',
link: '/micro1/exception/403',
text: '404',
link: '/micro1/exception/404',
text: '500',
link: '/micro1/exception/500',
text: '个人页',
icon: 'anticon-user',
children: [
text: '个人中心',
link: '/micro1/pro/account/center',
text: '个人设置',
link: '/micro1/pro/account/settings',
text: '更多',
group: true,
hideInBreadcrumb: true,
children: [
text: '报表',
icon: 'anticon-cloud',
children: [
text: '全屏关系图',
link: '/micro1/data-v/relation',
text: '扩展',
link: '/micro1/extras',
icon: 'anticon-link',
children: [
text: '帮助中心',
link: '/micro1/extras/helpcenter',
text: '设置',
link: '/micro1/extras/settings',
text: '门店',
link: '/micro1/extras/poi',
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