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# 集群单例
## 依赖
为了使用集群单例(`Cluster Singleton`),你必须在项目中添加如下依赖:

<!-- Maven -->

<!-- Gradle -->
dependencies {
  compile group: 'com.typesafe.akka', name: 'akka-cluster-tools_2.12', version: '2.5.21'

<!-- sbt -->
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-tools" % "2.5.21"
## 简介
对于某些用例,确保集群中某个类型的某个 Actor 恰好运行在某个位置是方便的,有时也是强制的。


- 对特定的集群范围一致性决策或跨集群系统协调行动的单一责任点
- 外部系统的单一入口点
- 单主多工
- 集中命名服务或路由逻辑


集群单例模式由`akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManager`实现。它在所有集群节点或标记有特定角色的一组节点中管理一个单实例 Actor 实例。`ClusterSingletonManager`是一个 Actor,它应该在集群中的所有节点或具有指定角色的所有节点上尽早启动。实际的单例 Actor 是由最老节点上的`ClusterSingletonManager`通过从提供的`Props`创建子 Actor 来启动的。`ClusterSingletonManager`确保在任何时间点最多运行一个单实例。

单例 Actor 总是在具有指定角色的最老成员上运行。最老的成员由`akka.cluster.Member#isOlderThan`确定。从群集中删除该成员时,这可能会发生变化。请注意,在移交(`hand-over`)过程中,如果没有活动的单例,则将是一个很短的时间段。

当最老的节点由于诸如 JVM 崩溃、硬关闭或网络故障而无法访问时,集群故障检测器会注意到。然后将接管一个新的最老节点,并创建一个新的单例 Actor。对于这些故障场景,将不会有一个优雅的移交,但通过所有合理的方法阻止了多个活动的单例。对于其他情况,最终可以通过配置超时来解决。

你可以使用提供的`akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonProxy`访问单例 Actor,该代理将所有消息路由到单例的当前实例。代理将跟踪集群中最老的节点,并通过显式发送单例的`actorSelection```消息并等待其回复来解析单例的`ActorRef`。如果单例(`singleton`)在特定(可配置)时间内没有回复,则会定期执行此操作。考虑到实现,可能会有一段时间内`ActorRef`不可用,例如,当节点离开集群时。在这些情况下,代理将缓冲发送到单例的消息,然后在单例最终可用时传递它们。如果缓冲区已满,则当通过代理发送新消息时,`ClusterSingletonProxy`将删除旧消息。缓冲区的大小是可配置的,可以通过使用`0`的缓冲区大小来禁用它。

值得注意的是,由于这些 Actor 的分布式特性,消息总是会丢失。一如既往,额外的逻辑应该在单例(确认)和客户机(重试)Actor 中实现,以确保至少一次消息传递。


## 需要注意的潜在问题


- 集群单例可能很快成为性能瓶颈,
- 你不能依赖集群单例不间断地可用,例如,当运行单例的节点死亡时,需要几秒钟的时间才能注意到这一点,并将单例迁移到另一个节点,
- 在使用自动关闭(`Automatic Downing`)的集群中出现网络分裂的情况下(参见文档中的自「[Auto Downing](」),可能会发生孤立的集群并各自决定成为它们自己的单例,这意味着系统中可能有多个单例运行,但是这些集群无法发现它们(因为网络分裂)


- **警告**:不要将集群单例与自动关闭一起使用,因为它允许集群分裂为两个单独的集群,从而导致启动多个单例,每个单独的集群中都有一个单例!

## 示例

假设我们需要一个到外部系统的单一入口点。从 JMS 队列接收消息的 Actor,严格要求只有一个 JMS 消费者才能确保消息按顺序处理。这也许不是人们想要如何设计事物,而是与外部系统集成时典型的现实场景。

在解释如何创建集群单例 Actor 之前,我们先定义将由单例使用的消息类。

public class TestSingletonMessages {
  public static class UnregistrationOk {}

  public static class End {}

  public static class Ping {}

  public static class Pong {}

  public static class GetCurrent {}

  public static UnregistrationOk unregistrationOk() {
    return new UnregistrationOk();

  public static End end() {
    return new End();

  public static Ping ping() {
    return new Ping();

  public static Pong pong() {
    return new Pong();

  public static GetCurrent getCurrent() {
    return new GetCurrent();

在集群中的每个节点上,你需要启动`ClusterSingletonManager`并提供单例 Actor 的`Props`,在本例中是 JMS 队列消费者。

final ClusterSingletonManagerSettings settings =

        Props.create(Consumer.class, () -> new Consumer(queue, testActor)),


我们使用一个特定于应用程序的`terminationMessage`(即`TestSingletonMessages.end()`消息)来在实际停止单例 Actor 之前关闭资源。请注意,如果你只需要停止 Actor,`PoisonPill`是一个完美的`terminationMessage`

下面是这个示例中,单例 Actor 如何处理`terminationMessage`

.match(End.class, message -> queue.tell(UnregisterConsumer.class, getSelf()))
    message -> {
      stoppedBeforeUnregistration = false;
.match(Ping.class, message -> getSender().tell(TestSingletonMessages.pong(), getSelf()))


ClusterSingletonProxySettings proxySettings =

ActorRef proxy =
        ClusterSingletonProxy.props("/user/consumer", proxySettings), "consumerProxy");

在「[Distributed workers with Akka and Java](」中,有一个更全面的示例!

## 配置


akka.cluster.singleton {
  # The actor name of the child singleton actor.
  singleton-name = "singleton"
  # Singleton among the nodes tagged with specified role.
  # If the role is not specified it's a singleton among all nodes in the cluster.
  role = ""
  # When a node is becoming oldest it sends hand-over request to previous oldest, 
  # that might be leaving the cluster. This is retried with this interval until 
  # the previous oldest confirms that the hand over has started or the previous 
  # oldest member is removed from the cluster (+ akka.cluster.down-removal-margin).
  hand-over-retry-interval = 1s
  # The number of retries are derived from hand-over-retry-interval and
  # akka.cluster.down-removal-margin (or ClusterSingletonManagerSettings.removalMargin),
  # but it will never be less than this property.
  # After the hand over retries and it's still not able to exchange the hand over messages
  # with the previous oldest it will restart itself by throwing ClusterSingletonManagerIsStuck,
  # to start from a clean state. After that it will still not start the singleton instance
  # until the previous oldest node has been removed from the cluster.
  # On the other side, on the previous oldest node, the same number of retries - 3 are used
  # and after that the singleton instance is stopped.
  # For large clusters it might be necessary to increase this to avoid too early timeouts while
  # gossip dissemination of the Leaving to Exiting phase occurs. For normal leaving scenarios
  # it will not be a quicker hand over by reducing this value, but in extreme failure scenarios
  # the recovery might be faster.
  min-number-of-hand-over-retries = 15


akka.cluster.singleton-proxy {
  # The actor name of the singleton actor that is started by the ClusterSingletonManager
  singleton-name = ${akka.cluster.singleton.singleton-name}
  # The role of the cluster nodes where the singleton can be deployed. 
  # If the role is not specified then any node will do.
  role = ""
  # Interval at which the proxy will try to resolve the singleton instance.
  singleton-identification-interval = 1s
  # If the location of the singleton is unknown the proxy will buffer this
  # number of messages and deliver them when the singleton is identified. 
  # When the buffer is full old messages will be dropped when new messages are
  # sent via the proxy.
  # Use 0 to disable buffering, i.e. messages will be dropped immediately if
  # the location of the singleton is unknown.
  # Maximum allowed buffer size is 10000.
  buffer-size = 1000 

## 监督

有两个 Actor 可能会受到监督。对于上面创建的消费者单例,这些将是:

- 集群单例管理器,例如运行在集群中每个节点上的`/user/consumer`
- 用户 Actor,例如`/user/consumer/singleton`,管理器从最老的节点开始。

集群单例管理器 Actor 不应该改变其监视策略,因为它应该一直在运行。但是,有时添加对用户 Actor 的监督是有用的。要完成此操作,请添加一个父监督者 Actor,该 Actor 将用于创建“真正”的单例实例。下面是一个示例实现(归功于这个「[StackOverflow](」答案)


public class SupervisorActor extends AbstractActor {
  final Props childProps;
  final SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy;
  final ActorRef child;

  SupervisorActor(Props childProps, SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy) {
    this.childProps = childProps;
    this.supervisorStrategy = supervisorStrategy;
    this.child = getContext().actorOf(childProps, "supervised-child");

  public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() {
    return supervisorStrategy;

  public Receive createReceive() {
    return receiveBuilder().matchAny(msg -> child.forward(msg, getContext())).build();


import akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManager;
import akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManagerSettings;

return getContext()
                SupervisorActor.class, () -> new SupervisorActor(props, supervisorStrategy)),
        name = name);


**英文原文链接**[Cluster Singleton](

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