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# 容错

当 Actor 在处理消息或初始化过程中抛出非预期的异常、失败时,默认情况下,Actor 将停止。

- **注释**:类型化 Actor 和非类型化 Actor 之间的一个重要区别是,如果抛出异常,并且在创建 Actor 时未定义监督策略,则类型化 Actor 将会停止,而非类型化 Actor 则会重启。


- 验证错误意味着发送给 Actor 的命令是无效的,这应该作为 Actor 协议的一部分建模,而不是使 Actor 抛出异常。
- 相反,失败是一些意外的事情,或者是 Actor 本身无法控制的事情,例如断开的数据库连接。与验证错误相反,将协议的某些部分建模为发送 Actor 没有太大的作用。
- 对于失败,应用“让它崩溃”的理念是很有用的:我们将责任转移到其他地方,而不是混合细粒度恢复和内部状态的更正,这些内部状态可能由于失败而部分无效。在许多情况下,解决方法可以是销毁 Actor,然后用我们知道有效的新状态创建一个新的 Actor。

## 监督

在 Akka 类型中,这个“其他地方”被称为监督(`In Akka Typed this “somewhere else” is called supervision`)。监督允许你声明性地描述在 Actor 内部抛出某种类型的异常时应该发生什么。要使用监督,实际的 Actor 行为将使用`Behaviors.supervise`进行包装,例如重新启动`IllegalStateExceptions`

    .onFailure(IllegalStateException.class, SupervisorStrategy.restart());


    .onFailure(IllegalStateException.class, SupervisorStrategy.resume());

可以使用更复杂的重启策略,例如,在 10 秒钟内重启不超过 10 次:

        SupervisorStrategy.restart().withLimit(10, FiniteDuration.apply(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)));


            .onFailure(IllegalStateException.class, SupervisorStrategy.restart()))
    .onFailure(IllegalArgumentException.class, SupervisorStrategy.stop());


### 包装行为


interface CounterMessage {}

public static final class Increase implements CounterMessage {}

public static final class Get implements CounterMessage {
  final ActorRef<Got> sender;

  public Get(ActorRef<Got> sender) {
    this.sender = sender;

public static final class Got {
  final int n;

  public Got(int n) {
    this.n = n;

public static Behavior<CounterMessage> counter(int currentValue) {
  return Behaviors.receive(CounterMessage.class)
          (context, o) -> {
            return counter(currentValue + 1);
          (context, o) -> {
            o.sender.tell(new Got(currentValue));
            return Behaviors.same();




## 当父级正在重新启动时,子 Actor 将停止

子 Actor 通常在重新启动父 Actor 时运行的`setup`块中启动。每次重新启动父 Actor 时,都会停止子 Actor,以避免资源泄漏,从而创建新的子 Actor。

static Behavior<String> child(long size) {
  return Behaviors.receiveMessage(msg -> child(size + msg.length()));

static Behavior<String> parent() {
  return Behaviors.<String>supervise(
              ctx -> {
                final ActorRef<String> child1 = ctx.spawn(child(0), "child1");
                final ActorRef<String> child2 = ctx.spawn(child(0), "child2");

                return Behaviors.receiveMessage(
                    msg -> {
                      // there might be bugs here...
                      String[] parts = msg.split(" ");
                      return Behaviors.same();

可以重写此项,以便在重新启动父 Actor 时不影响子 Actor。然后,重新启动的父实例将具有与失败前相同的子实例。

如果子 Actor 是从`setup`创建的,如前一个示例中所示,并且在重新启动父 Actor 时它们应该保持完整(不停止),则应将`supervise`放置在`setup`中,并使用`SupervisorStrategy.restart().withStopChildren(false)`,如下所示:

static Behavior<String> parent2() {
  return Behaviors.setup(
      ctx -> {
        final ActorRef<String> child1 = ctx.spawn(child(0), "child1");
        final ActorRef<String> child2 = ctx.spawn(child(0), "child2");

        // supervision strategy inside the setup to not recreate children on restart
        return Behaviors.<String>supervise(
                    msg -> {
                      // there might be bugs here...
                      String[] parts = msg.split(" ");
                      return Behaviors.same();

这意味着`setup`块只在父 Actor 第一次启动时运行,而不是在重新启动时运行。

## 失败在整个层次结构中冒泡

在某些情况下,在 Actor 层次结构中向上推送关于如何处理失败的决策,并让父 Actor 处理失败(在非类型化的 Akka Actor 中,这是默认的工作方式)可能很有用。

当一个子 Actor 被终止时,父 Actor 要得到通知,就必须`watch`这个子 Actor。如果由于故障而停止子进程,则将收到包含原因的`ChildFailed`信号。`ChildFailed`扩展了`Terminated`,因此如果你的用例不需要区分停止和失败,你可以使用`Terminated`信号来处理这两个用例。


在某些情况下,如果希望原始异常在层次结构中冒泡,可以通过处理`Terminated`信号并在每个 Actor 中重新抛出异常来完成。

public class BubblingSample {
  interface Message {}

  public static class Fail implements Message {
    public final String text;

    public Fail(String text) {
      this.text = text;

  public static Behavior<Message> failingChildBehavior =
              (context, message) -> {
                throw new RuntimeException(message.text);

  public static Behavior<Message> middleManagementBehavior =
          (context) -> {
            context.getLog().info("Middle management starting up");
            final ActorRef<Message> child = context.spawn(failingChildBehavior, "child");
            // we want to know when the child terminates, but since we do not handle
            // the Terminated signal, we will in turn fail on child termination

            // here we don't handle Terminated at all which means that
            // when the child fails or stops gracefully this actor will
            // fail with a DeathWatchException
            return Behaviors.receive(Message.class)
                    (innerCtx, message) -> {
                      // just pass messages on to the child
                      return Behaviors.same();

  public static Behavior<Message> bossBehavior =
          (context) -> {
            context.getLog().info("Boss starting up");
            final ActorRef<Message> middleManagement =
                context.spawn(middleManagementBehavior, "middle-management");

            // here we don't handle Terminated at all which means that
            // when middle management fails with a DeathWatchException
            // this actor will also fail
            return Behaviors.receive(Message.class)
                    (innerCtx, message) -> {
                      // just pass messages on to the child
                      return Behaviors.same();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    final ActorSystem<Message> system = ActorSystem.create(bossBehavior, "boss");

    system.tell(new Fail("boom"));
    // this will now bubble up all the way to the boss and as that is the user guardian it means
    // the entire actor system will stop


**英文原文链接**[Fault Tolerance](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/typed/fault-tolerance.html).

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