未验证 提交 ded7b372 编写于 作者: B blue-fish 提交者: GitHub

Low memory inference fix (#536)

* For low_mem, use spawned workers instead of forked workers (resolves #36)
Used implementation from @lilydjwg: https://github.com/CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/issues/36#issuecomment-529380190

* Different method of passing the seed for low_mem inference
Resolves #491, #529, #535
上级 8f71d678
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from synthesizer.tacotron2 import Tacotron2
from synthesizer.hparams import hparams
from multiprocess.pool import Pool # You're free to use either one
#from multiprocessing import Pool #
from multiprocess.context import SpawnContext
from synthesizer import audio
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, List
......@@ -97,16 +98,16 @@ class Synthesizer:
# Low memory inference mode: load the model upon every request. The model has to be
# loaded in a separate process to be able to release GPU memory (a simple workaround
# to tensorflow's intricacies)
specs, alignments = Pool(1).starmap(Synthesizer._one_shot_synthesize_spectrograms,
[(self.checkpoint_fpath, embeddings, texts)])[0]
specs, alignments = Pool(1, context=SpawnContext()).starmap(Synthesizer._one_shot_synthesize_spectrograms,
[(self.checkpoint_fpath, embeddings, texts, self._seed)])[0]
return (specs, alignments) if return_alignments else specs
def _one_shot_synthesize_spectrograms(checkpoint_fpath, embeddings, texts):
def _one_shot_synthesize_spectrograms(checkpoint_fpath, embeddings, texts, seed):
# Load the model and forward the inputs
model = Tacotron2(checkpoint_fpath, hparams, seed=self._seed)
model = Tacotron2(checkpoint_fpath, hparams, seed=seed)
specs, alignments = model.my_synthesize(embeddings, texts)
# Detach the outputs (not doing so will cause the process to hang)
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