未验证 提交 c6ba1294 编写于 作者: A Asher 提交者: GitHub

Filter blank plugin directories (#2187)

I neglected to realize that "".split(":") is an array with "" in it.
上级 811cf336
......@@ -75,12 +75,18 @@ export const loadPlugins = async (httpServer: HttpServer, args: Args): Promise<v
// Built-in plugins.
_loadPlugins(path.resolve(__dirname, "../../plugins"), httpServer, args),
// User-added plugins.
...pluginPath.split(":").map((dir) => _loadPlugins(path.resolve(dir), httpServer, args)),
.filter((p) => !!p)
.map((dir) => _loadPlugins(path.resolve(dir), httpServer, args)),
// Individual plugins so you don't have to symlink or move them into a
// directory specifically for plugins. This lets you load plugins that are
// on the same level as other directories that are not plugins (if you tried
// to use CS_PLUGIN_PATH code-server would try to load those other
// directories as plugins). Intended for development.
...plugin.split(":").map((dir) => loadPlugin(path.resolve(dir), httpServer, args)),
.filter((p) => !!p)
.map((dir) => loadPlugin(path.resolve(dir), httpServer, args)),
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