未验证 提交 0e5669ed 编写于 作者: B Bernard Xiong 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #4002 from luhuadong/patch1

[bsp][stm32][driver] remove extra brackets
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#define gpioz_port_base (175) /* PIN_STPORT_MAX * 16 - 16 */
#define PIN_STPORT(pin) ((pin > gpioz_port_base) ? ((GPIO_TypeDef *)(GPIOZ_BASE )) : ((GPIO_TypeDef *)(GPIOA_BASE + (0x1000u * PIN_PORT(pin)))))
#define PIN_STPORT(pin) ((GPIO_TypeDef *)(GPIOA_BASE + (0x1000u * PIN_PORT(pin)))))
#define PIN_STPORT(pin) ((GPIO_TypeDef *)(GPIOA_BASE + (0x1000u * PIN_PORT(pin))))
#endif /* GPIOZ */
#define PIN_STPORT(pin) ((GPIO_TypeDef *)(GPIOA_BASE + (0x400u * PIN_PORT(pin))))
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