提交 89781200 编写于 作者: 庄家钜's avatar 庄家钜


上级 5c794ec6
......@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@
......@@ -295,34 +295,9 @@ public class ExcelWriteFillExecutor extends AbstractExcelWriteExecutor {
throw new ExcelGenerateException("The wrong direction.");
Row row = sheet.getRow(lastRowIndex);
if (row == null) {
row = cachedSheet.getRow(lastRowIndex);
if (row == null) {
WriteHandlerUtils.beforeRowCreate(writeContext, lastRowIndex, null, Boolean.FALSE);
if (fillConfig.getForceNewRow()) {
row = cachedSheet.createRow(lastRowIndex);
} else {
// The last row of the middle disk inside empty rows, resulting in cachedSheet can not get inside.
// Will throw Attempting to write a row[" + rownum + "] " + "in the range [0," + this._sh.getLastRowNum() + "] that is already written to disk.
row = sheet.createRow(lastRowIndex);
}catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore){
row = cachedSheet.createRow(lastRowIndex);
checkRowHeight(analysisCell, fillConfig, isOriginalCell, row);
WriteHandlerUtils.afterRowCreate(writeContext, row, null, Boolean.FALSE);
} else {
checkRowHeight(analysisCell, fillConfig, isOriginalCell, row);
Cell cell = row.getCell(lastColumnIndex);
if (cell == null) {
WriteHandlerUtils.beforeCellCreate(writeContext, row, null, lastColumnIndex, null, Boolean.FALSE);
cell = row.createCell(lastColumnIndex);
WriteHandlerUtils.afterCellCreate(writeContext, cell, null, null, Boolean.FALSE);
Row row = createRowIfNecessary(sheet, cachedSheet, lastRowIndex, fillConfig, analysisCell, isOriginalCell);
Cell cell = createCellIfNecessary(row,lastColumnIndex);
Map<AnalysisCell, CellStyle> collectionFieldStyleMap = collectionFieldStyleCache.get(currentUniqueDataFlag);
if (collectionFieldStyleMap == null) {
......@@ -340,6 +315,45 @@ public class ExcelWriteFillExecutor extends AbstractExcelWriteExecutor {
return cell;
private Cell createCellIfNecessary(Row row, Integer lastColumnIndex) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(lastColumnIndex);
if (cell != null) {
return cell;
WriteHandlerUtils.beforeCellCreate(writeContext, row, null, lastColumnIndex, null, Boolean.FALSE);
cell = row.createCell(lastColumnIndex);
WriteHandlerUtils.afterCellCreate(writeContext, cell, null, null, Boolean.FALSE);
return cell;
private Row createRowIfNecessary(Sheet sheet, Sheet cachedSheet, Integer lastRowIndex, FillConfig fillConfig,
AnalysisCell analysisCell, boolean isOriginalCell) {
Row row = sheet.getRow(lastRowIndex);
if (row != null) {
return row;
row = cachedSheet.getRow(lastRowIndex);
if (row == null) {
WriteHandlerUtils.beforeRowCreate(writeContext, lastRowIndex, null, Boolean.FALSE);
if (fillConfig.getForceNewRow()) {
row = cachedSheet.createRow(lastRowIndex);
} else {
// The last row of the middle disk inside empty rows, resulting in cachedSheet can not get inside.
// Will throw Attempting to write a row[" + rownum + "] " + "in the range [0," + this._sh.getLastRowNum() + "] that is already written to disk.
try {
row = sheet.createRow(lastRowIndex);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) {
row = cachedSheet.createRow(lastRowIndex);
checkRowHeight(analysisCell, fillConfig, isOriginalCell, row);
WriteHandlerUtils.afterRowCreate(writeContext, row, null, Boolean.FALSE);
} else {
checkRowHeight(analysisCell, fillConfig, isOriginalCell, row);
return row;
private void checkRowHeight(AnalysisCell analysisCell, FillConfig fillConfig, boolean isOriginalCell, Row row) {
if (!analysisCell.getFirstRow() || !WriteDirectionEnum.VERTICAL.equals(fillConfig.getDirection())) {
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