提交 f0c2f4cf 编写于 作者: R robm

8214440: ldap over a TLS connection negotiate failed with...

8214440: ldap over a TLS connection negotiate failed with "javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: hostname of the server '' does not match the hostname in the server's certificate"
Reviewed-by: vtewari, xuelei
上级 b3991477
......@@ -288,7 +288,8 @@ final public class StartTlsResponseImpl extends StartTlsResponse {
public void setConnection(Connection ldapConnection, String hostname) {
this.ldapConnection = ldapConnection;
this.hostname = (hostname != null) ? hostname : ldapConnection.host;
this.hostname = (hostname == null || hostname.isEmpty())
? ldapConnection.host : hostname;
originalInputStream = ldapConnection.inStream;
originalOutputStream = ldapConnection.outStream;
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