• O
    Merge pull request #18261 from OrestChura:oc/fluid_convert_mask · 95fd61c9
    Orest Chura 提交于
    [G-API]: Fluid: add mask, extend convertTo for CV_16S
    * Add Fluid `mask` kernel + Acc. and Perf. tests
     - simple cycle implementation with restrictions on mask type and input/output type like in OCV/GPU kernels (mask - CV_8UC1 only, input/output - CV_8UC1, CV_16UC1, CV_16SC1)
    * Added convertions from/to 16S
    * `convertTo()` perf tests refactoring
     - add testing of `alpha` and `beta` parameters
     - fixed unreliable comparison
     - added instances to OCV, Fluid and GPU tests according to the changes
    * Addressing comments
     - fixed multiple-channel mistake - prohibited multiple-channeling
    * Reduced perf tests
gfluidcore.cpp 79.8 KB