提交 68667d60 编写于 作者: U utibenkei


上级 d58b5ef7
......@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ public:
if (fourCC == FOURCC_UNKNOWN) {
fourCC = FOURCC_NV21;
} else if ( (uvPixelStride == 1) && (vPixel == uPixel + uLen) && (yLen == frameWidth * frameHeight) && (uLen == yLen / 4) && (vLen == uLen) ) {
} else if ( (uvPixelStride == 1) && (uPixel == vPixel + vLen) && (yLen == frameWidth * frameHeight) && (uLen == yLen / 4) && (vLen == uLen) ) {
colorFormat = COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
if (fourCC == FOURCC_UNKNOWN) {
fourCC = FOURCC_YV12;
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ public:
buffer.insert(buffer.end(), yPixel, yPixel + yLen);
buffer.insert(buffer.end(), uPixel, uPixel + yLen / 2);
buffer.insert(buffer.end(), vPixel, vPixel + yLen / 2);
return true;
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