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niuyazhe 已提交
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
- env: apple key to door treasure env (#128)
- env: add bsuite memory benchmark (#138)
- env: polish atari impala config
- algo: Guided Cost IRL algorithm (#57)
- algo: ICM exploration algorithm (#41)
- algo: MP-DQN hybrid action space algorithm (#131)
- algo: add loss statistics and polish r2d3 pong config (#126)
- feautre: add renew env mechanism in env manager and update timeout mechanism (#127) (#134)
- fix: async subprocess env manager reset bug (#137)
- fix: keepdims name bug in model wrapper
- fix: on-policy ppo value norm bug
- fix: GAE and RND unittest bug
- fix: hidden state wrapper h tensor compatiblity
- fix: naive buffer auto config create bug
- style: add supporters list

niuyazhe 已提交
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
- env: gym-hybrid env (#86)
- env: gym-soccer (HFO) env (#94)
- env: Go-Bigger env baseline (#95)
- env: add the bipedalwalker config of sac and ppo (#121)
- algo: DQfD Imitation Learning algorithm (#48) (#98)
- algo: TD3BC offline RL algorithm (#88)
- algo: MBPO model-based RL algorithm (#113)
- algo: PADDPG hybrid action space algorithm (#109)
- algo: PDQN hybrid action space algorithm (#118)
- algo: fix R2D2 bugs and produce benchmark, add naive NGU (#40)
- algo: self-play training demo in slime_volley env (#23)
- algo: add example of GAIL entry + config for mujoco (#114)
- feature: enable arbitrary policy num in serial sample collector
- feautre: add torch DataParallel for single machine multi-GPU
- feature: add registry force_overwrite argument
- feature: add naive buffer periodic thruput seconds argument
- test: add pure docker setting test (#103)
- test: add unittest for dataset and evaluator (#107)
- test: add unittest for on-policy algorithm (#92)
- test: add unittest for ppo and td (MARL case) (#89)
- test: polish collector benchmark test
- fix: target model wrapper hard reset bug
- fix: fix learn state_dict target model bug
- fix: ppo bugs and update atari ppo offpolicy config (#108)
- fix: pyyaml version bug (#99)
- fix: small fix on bsuite environment (#117)
- fix: discrete cql unittest bug
- fix: release workflow bug
- fix: base policy model state_dict overlap bug
- fix: remove on_policy option in dizoo config and entry
- fix: remove torch in env
- style: gym version > 0.20.0
- style: torch version >= 1.1.0, <= 1.10.0
- style: ale-py == 0.7.0

niuyazhe 已提交
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94
- env: overcooked env (#20)
- env: procgen env (#26)
- env: modified predator env (#30)
- env: d4rl env (#37)
- env: imagenet dataset (#27)
- env: bsuite env (#58)
- env: move atari_py to ale-py
- algo: SQIL algorithm (#25) (#44)
- algo: CQL algorithm (discrete/continuous) (#37) (#68)
- algo: MAPPO algorithm (#62)
- algo: WQMIX algorithm (#24)
- algo: D4PG algorithm (#76)
- algo: update multi discrete policy(dqn, ppo, rainbow) (#51) (#72)
- feature: image classification training pipeline (#27)
- feature: add force_reproducibility option in subprocess env manager
- feature: add/delete/restart replicas via cli for k8s
- feautre: add league metric (trueskill and elo) (#22)
- feature: add tb in naive buffer and modify tb in advanced buffer (#39)
- feature: add k8s launcher and di-orchestrator launcher, add related unittest (#45) (#49)
- feature: add hyper-parameter scheduler module (#38)
- feautre: add plot function (#59)
- fix: acer bug and update atari result (#21)
- fix: mappo nan bug and dict obs cannot unsqueeze bug (#54)
- fix: r2d2 hidden state and obs arange bug (#36) (#52)
- fix: ppo bug when use dual_clip and adv > 0
- fix: qmix double_q hidden state bug
- fix: spawn context problem in interaction unittest (#69)
- fix: formatted config no eval bug (#53)
- fix: the catch statments that will never succeed and system proxy bug (#71) (#79)
- fix: lunarlander config
- fix: c51 head dimension mismatch bug
- fix: mujoco config typo bug
- fix: ppg atari config bug
- fix: max use and priority update special branch bug in advanced_buffer
- style: add docker deploy in github workflow (#70) (#78) (#80)
- style: support PyTorch 1.9.0
- style: add algo/env list in README
- style: rename advanced_buffer register name to advanced

niuyazhe 已提交
95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
- env: selfplay/league demo (#12)
- env: pybullet env (#16)
- env: minigrid env (#13)
- env: atari enduro config (#11)
- algo: on policy PPO (#9)
- algo: ACER algorithm (#14)
- feature: polish experiment directory structure (#10)
- refactor: split doc to new repo (#4)
- fix: atari env info action space bug
- fix: env manager retry wrapper raise exception info bug
- fix: dist entry disable-flask-log typo
- style: codestyle optimization by lgtm (#7)
- style: code/comment statistics badge
- style: github CI workflow

niuyazhe 已提交