提交 5963d076 编写于 作者: N niuyazhe

style(nyz): polish dqn config table

上级 51cb4a0e
......@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ class DQNPolicy(Policy):
| ``_len``
16 | ``other.eps.type`` str exp | exploration rate decay type | Support ['exp',
| 'linear'].
17 | ``other.eps. float 0.95 | start value of exploration rate | [0,1]
| start``
18 | ``other.eps. float 0.1 | end value of exploration rate | [0,1]
| end``
19 | ``other.eps. int 10000 | decay length of exploration | greater than 0. set
| decay`` | decay=10000 means
17 | ``other.eps.`` float 0.95 | start value of exploration rate | [0,1]
| ``start``
18 | ``other.eps.`` float 0.1 | end value of exploration rate | [0,1]
| ``end``
19 | ``other.eps.`` int 10000 | decay length of exploration | greater than 0. set
| ``decay`` | decay=10000 means
| the exploration rate
| decay from start
| value to end value
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