提交 024e3dab 编写于 作者: L liqingping

test: add test for services

上级 0a5c25a1
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package controllers
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
......@@ -27,69 +26,41 @@ var _ = Describe("DIJob Controller", func() {
ctx := context.Background()
jobTmpl := testutil.NewDIJob()
dijob, jobKey := createDIJob(ctx, k8sClient, jobTmpl)
replicaName := diutil.ReplicaPodName(dijob.Name, "coordinator")
podKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: dijob.Namespace, Name: replicaName}
By("Update coordinator to Running")
for _, replicaName := range []string{
diutil.ReplicaPodName(dijob.Name, "coordinator"),
} {
podKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: dijob.Namespace, Name: replicaName}
err = testutil.UpdatePodPhase(ctx, k8sClient, podKey, corev1.PodRunning)
err = testutil.UpdatePodPhase(ctx, k8sClient, podKey, corev1.PodRunning)
var createdDIjob div1alpha1.DIJob
By("Checking the created DIJob has enough coordinator")
for _, rtype := range []div1alpha1.ReplicaType{div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator} {
Eventually(func() int {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &createdDIjob)
if err != nil {
return -1
if createdDIjob.Status.ReplicaStatus == nil {
return -1
return int(createdDIjob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Active)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(1))
coorStatus := make([]int, 3)
coorStatus[0] = 1
replicasStatuses := map[div1alpha1.ReplicaType][]int{
div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator: coorStatus,
checkReplicasStatuses(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, replicasStatuses)
By("Checking the created DIJob is in Running state")
Eventually(func() bool {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &createdDIjob)
if err != nil {
return false
return createdDIjob.Status.Phase == div1alpha1.JobRunning
}, duration, interval).Should(BeTrue())
checkDIJobPhase(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, div1alpha1.JobRunning)
By("Update coordinator to Succeeded")
for _, replicaName := range []string{
diutil.ReplicaPodName(createdDIjob.Name, "coordinator"),
} {
podKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: createdDIjob.Namespace, Name: replicaName}
err = testutil.UpdatePodPhase(ctx, k8sClient, podKey, corev1.PodSucceeded)
err = testutil.UpdatePodPhase(ctx, k8sClient, podKey, corev1.PodSucceeded)
By("Checking the job is succeeded")
Eventually(func() div1alpha1.Phase {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &createdDIjob)
if err != nil {
return div1alpha1.JobUnknown
return createdDIjob.Status.Phase
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(div1alpha1.JobSucceeded))
checkDIJobPhase(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, div1alpha1.JobSucceeded)
By("Checking the coordinator is succeeded")
Eventually(func() int {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &createdDIjob)
if err != nil {
return -1
return int(createdDIjob.Status.ReplicaStatus[div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator].Succeeded)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(1))
coorStatus = make([]int, 3)
coorStatus[2] = 1
replicasStatuses = map[div1alpha1.ReplicaType][]int{
div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator: coorStatus,
checkReplicasStatuses(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, replicasStatuses)
By("Cleaning up")
err = testutil.CleanUpJob(ctx, k8sClient, createdDIjob.DeepCopy())
err = testutil.CleanUpJob(ctx, k8sClient, &dijob)
......@@ -111,53 +82,33 @@ var _ = Describe("DIJob Controller", func() {
ctx := context.Background()
jobTmpl := testutil.NewDIJob()
dijob, jobKey := createDIJob(ctx, k8sClient, jobTmpl)
replicaName := diutil.ReplicaPodName(dijob.Name, "coordinator")
podKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: dijob.Namespace, Name: replicaName}
By("Update coordinator status")
for _, replicaName := range []string{
diutil.ReplicaPodName(dijob.Name, "coordinator"),
} {
podKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: dijob.Namespace, Name: replicaName}
if strings.HasSuffix(replicaName, "coordinator") {
err = testutil.UpdatePodPhase(ctx, k8sClient, podKey, c.coorStatus)
err = testutil.UpdatePodPhase(ctx, k8sClient, podKey, c.coorStatus)
By("Checking the created DIJob has enough coordinator")
Eventually(func() int {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &dijob)
if err != nil {
return -1
if dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus == nil {
return -1
// get phase
var phase corev1.PodPhase = c.coorStatus
count := 0
switch phase {
case corev1.PodRunning:
count = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator].Active)
case corev1.PodFailed:
count = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator].Failed)
case corev1.PodSucceeded:
count = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator].Succeeded)
return count
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(1))
coorStatus := make([]int, 3)
switch c.coorStatus {
case corev1.PodRunning:
coorStatus[0] = 1
case corev1.PodFailed:
coorStatus[1] = 1
case corev1.PodSucceeded:
coorStatus[2] = 1
replicasStatuses := map[div1alpha1.ReplicaType][]int{
div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator: coorStatus,
checkReplicasStatuses(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, replicasStatuses)
By("Checking the created DIJob's state")
Eventually(func() div1alpha1.Phase {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &dijob)
if err != nil {
return div1alpha1.JobUnknown
return dijob.Status.Phase
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(c.expectStatus))
checkDIJobPhase(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, c.expectStatus)
By("Cleaning up")
err = testutil.CleanUpJob(ctx, k8sClient, dijob.DeepCopy())
err = testutil.CleanUpJob(ctx, k8sClient, &dijob)
......@@ -208,6 +159,8 @@ var _ = Describe("DIJob Controller", func() {
ctx := context.Background()
jobTmpl := testutil.NewDIJob()
dijob, jobKey := createDIJob(ctx, k8sClient, jobTmpl)
replicaName := diutil.ReplicaPodName(dijob.Name, "coordinator")
podKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: dijob.Namespace, Name: replicaName}
// build owner reference
ownRefer := diutil.NewOwnerReference(div1alpha1.GroupVersion.String(), div1alpha1.KindDIJob, dijob.Name, dijob.UID, true)
......@@ -224,92 +177,47 @@ var _ = Describe("DIJob Controller", func() {
By("Checking the ReplicaStatus is as expected")
for _, rtype := range []div1alpha1.ReplicaType{
} {
var status []int
switch rtype {
case div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCollector:
status = colStatus
case div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeLearner:
status = lrStatus
Eventually(func() []int {
err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &dijob)
if err != nil {
return nil
result := make([]int, 3)
result[0] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Active)
result[1] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Failed)
result[2] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Succeeded)
return result
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(status))
replicasStatuses := map[div1alpha1.ReplicaType][]int{
div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCollector: colStatus,
div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeLearner: lrStatus,
checkReplicasStatuses(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, replicasStatuses)
By("Update coordinator to Succeeded")
for _, replicaName := range []string{
diutil.ReplicaPodName(dijob.Name, "coordinator"),
} {
podKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: dijob.Namespace, Name: replicaName}
err = testutil.UpdatePodPhase(ctx, k8sClient, podKey, corev1.PodSucceeded)
By("Checking the services are as expected")
Eventually(func() int {
svcs, err := diutil.ListServices(ctx, k8sClient, &dijob)
return len(svcs)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(1 + len(c.collectors) + len(c.learners)))
By("Update coordinator to Succeeded")
err = testutil.UpdatePodPhase(ctx, k8sClient, podKey, corev1.PodSucceeded)
By("Checking the job is successfully succeeded")
Eventually(func() div1alpha1.Phase {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &dijob)
if err != nil {
return div1alpha1.JobUnknown
return dijob.Status.Phase
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(div1alpha1.JobSucceeded))
By("Checking the coordinator is succeeded")
Eventually(func() int {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &dijob)
if err != nil {
return -1
return int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator].Succeeded)
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(1))
colStatus1 := make([]int, 3)
lrStatus1 := make([]int, 3)
colStatus1[0] = 0
colStatus1[1] = colStatus[1]
colStatus1[2] = colStatus[0] + colStatus[2]
lrStatus1[0] = 0
lrStatus1[1] = lrStatus[1]
lrStatus1[2] = lrStatus[0] + lrStatus[2]
checkDIJobPhase(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, div1alpha1.JobSucceeded)
By("Checking the ReplicaStatus is as expected")
for _, rtype := range []div1alpha1.ReplicaType{
} {
var status []int
switch rtype {
case div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCollector:
status = colStatus1
case div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeLearner:
status = lrStatus1
Eventually(func() []int {
err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &dijob)
if err != nil {
return nil
result := make([]int, 3)
result[0] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Active)
result[1] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Failed)
result[2] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Succeeded)
return result
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(status))
coorStatus := make([]int, 3)
coorStatus[2] = 1
colFinishedStatus := make([]int, 3)
lrFinishedStatus := make([]int, 3)
colFinishedStatus[0] = 0
colFinishedStatus[1] = colStatus[1]
colFinishedStatus[2] = colStatus[0] + colStatus[2]
lrFinishedStatus[0] = 0
lrFinishedStatus[1] = lrStatus[1]
lrFinishedStatus[2] = lrStatus[0] + lrStatus[2]
replicasStatuses = map[div1alpha1.ReplicaType][]int{
div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCoordinator: coorStatus,
div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeCollector: colFinishedStatus,
div1alpha1.ReplicaTypeLearner: lrFinishedStatus,
checkReplicasStatuses(ctx, k8sClient, jobKey, replicasStatuses)
err = testutil.CleanUpJob(ctx, k8sClient, dijob.DeepCopy())
err = testutil.CleanUpJob(ctx, k8sClient, &dijob)
......@@ -329,10 +237,7 @@ func createDIJob(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client, dijob *div1alpha1
createdDIjob := div1alpha1.DIJob{}
Eventually(func() bool {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, key, &createdDIjob)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
return err == nil
}, timeout, interval).Should(BeTrue())
By("Checking coordinator are created")
......@@ -341,10 +246,7 @@ func createDIJob(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client, dijob *div1alpha1
podKey := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: dijob.Namespace, Name: replicaName}
Eventually(func() bool {
err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, podKey, &pod)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
return err == nil
}, timeout, interval).Should(BeTrue())
return createdDIjob, key
......@@ -376,3 +278,35 @@ func createAndUpdatePodPhase(
func checkDIJobPhase(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client, jobKey types.NamespacedName, phase div1alpha1.Phase) {
var dijob div1alpha1.DIJob
Eventually(func() div1alpha1.Phase {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &dijob)
if err != nil {
return div1alpha1.JobUnknown
return dijob.Status.Phase
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(phase))
func checkReplicasStatuses(ctx context.Context, k8sClient client.Client, jobKey types.NamespacedName, replicasStatuses map[div1alpha1.ReplicaType][]int) {
for rtype, status := range replicasStatuses {
var dijob div1alpha1.DIJob
Eventually(func() []int {
err := k8sClient.Get(ctx, jobKey, &dijob)
if err != nil {
return nil
if dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus == nil {
return nil
result := make([]int, 3)
result[0] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Active)
result[1] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Failed)
result[2] = int(dijob.Status.ReplicaStatus[rtype].Succeeded)
return result
}, timeout, interval).Should(Equal(status))
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