Build Releases

    DI Orchestrator

    DI Orchestrator is designed to manage DI (Decision Intelligence) jobs using Kubernetes Custom Resource and Operator.


    • A well-prepared kubernetes cluster. Follow the instructions to create a kubernetes cluster, or create a local kubernetes node referring to kind or minikube
    • Cert-manager. Installation on kubernetes please refer to cert-manager docs. Or you can install it by the following command.
    kubectl create -f ./config/certmanager/cert-manager.yaml

    Install DI Orchestrator

    DI Orchestrator consists of three components: di-operator, di-webhook and di-server. Install them with the following command.

    kubectl create -f ./config/di-manager.yaml

    di-operator, di-webhook and di-server will be installed in di-system namespace.

    $ kubectl get pod -n di-system
    NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    di-operator-57cc65d5c9-5vnvn       1/1     Running   0          59s
    di-server-7b86ff8df4-jfgmp         1/1     Running   0          59s
    di-webhook-45jgi23fhc-9yght        1/1     Running   0          59s

    Install AggregatorConfig

    Since all DIJobs share the same configuration of aggregator, we define aggregator template in AggregatorConfig. Install AggregatorConfig with the following command:

    kubectl create -f config/samples/agconfig.yaml -n di-system

    Submit DIJob

    # submit DIJob
    $ kubectl create -f config/samples/dijob-cartpole.yaml
    # get pod and you will see coordinator is created by di-operator
    # a few seconds later, you will see collectors and learners created by di-server
    $ kubectl get pod
    # get logs of coordinator
    $ kubectl logs cartpole-dqn-coordinator

    User Guide

    Refers to user-guide. For Chinese version, please refer to 中文手册


    Refers to developer-guide.

    Contact us throw


    OpenDILab RL Kubernetes Custom Resource and Operator Lib

    🚀 Github 镜像仓库 🚀


    发行版本 5



    贡献者 4

    L liqingping @liqingping
    K Konnase Lee @Konnase Lee
    L lijianwen @lijianwen
    W wubaodong @wubaodong


    • Go 95.4 %
    • Makefile 3.5 %
    • Dockerfile 0.7 %
    • Shell 0.4 %