提交 66f5502f 编写于 作者: HansBug's avatar HansBug 😆

dev(hansbug): add walk function

上级 88f44a65
......@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ typetrans
.. autofunction:: typetrans
.. _apidoc_tree_tree_walk:
.. autofunction:: walk
.. _apidoc_tree_tree_mapping:
import pytest
from treevalue.tree import jsonify, TreeValue, clone, typetrans, raw
from treevalue.tree import jsonify, TreeValue, clone, typetrans, raw, walk
# noinspection DuplicatedCode
......@@ -78,3 +78,24 @@ class TestTreeTreeService:
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
typetrans(tv1, NonTreeValue)
def test_walk(self):
class MyTreeValue(TreeValue):
tv1 = MyTreeValue({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'x': 2, 'y': 3}})
assert dict(walk(tv1)) == {
('a',): 1,
('b',): 2,
('c', 'x',): 2,
('c', 'y',): 3,
assert dict(walk(tv1, include_nodes=True)) == {
(): MyTreeValue({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': {'x': 2, 'y': 3}}),
('a',): 1,
('b',): 2,
('c',): MyTreeValue({'x': 2, 'y': 3}),
('c', 'x',): 2,
('c', 'y',): 3,
from .functional import mapping, filter_, mask, reduce_
from .graph import graphics
from .io import loads, load, dumps, dump
from .service import jsonify, clone, typetrans
from .service import jsonify, clone, typetrans, walk
from .structural import subside, union, rise
from .tree import TreeValue
# distutils:language=c++
# cython:language_level=3
# jsonify, clone, typetrans
# jsonify, clone, typetrans, walk
from libcpp cimport bool
from .tree cimport TreeValue
......@@ -9,3 +11,4 @@ cdef object _keep_object(object obj)
cpdef object jsonify(TreeValue val)
cpdef TreeValue clone(TreeValue t, object copy_value= *)
cpdef TreeValue typetrans(TreeValue t, object return_type)
cpdef walk(TreeValue tree, bool include_nodes= *)
# distutils:language=c++
# cython:language_level=3
# jsonify, clone, typetrans
# jsonify, clone, typetrans, walk
import copy
import cython
from libcpp cimport bool
from .tree cimport TreeValue
from ..common.storage cimport TreeStorage
cdef object _keep_object(object obj):
return obj
......@@ -78,3 +80,37 @@ cpdef TreeValue typetrans(TreeValue t, object return_type):
raise TypeError("Tree value should be subclass of TreeValue, but {type} found.".format(
def _p_walk(TreeStorage tree, object type_, tuple path, bool include_nodes):
if include_nodes:
yield path, type_(tree)
cdef dict data = tree.detach()
cdef str k
cdef object v
cdef tuple curpath
for k, v in data.items():
curpath = path + (k,)
if isinstance(v, TreeStorage):
yield from _p_walk(v, type_, curpath, include_nodes)
yield curpath, v
cpdef walk(TreeValue tree, bool include_nodes=False):
Walk the values and nodes in the tree.
The order of walk is not promised, if you need the ordered walking result, \
just use function ``sorted`` at the outer side of :func:`walk`.
- tree: Tree value object to be walked.
- include_nodes (:obj:`bool`): Not only the value nodes will be walked,
but the tree nodes as well.
- iter: Iterator to walk the given tree, contains 2 items, the 1st one is the full \
path of the node, the 2nd one is the value.
return _p_walk(tree._detach(), type(tree), (), include_nodes)
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