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import os
import logging
import threading
import six
import time

from avocado.utils import process

from virttest import error_context
from virttest import virt_vm
from virttest import remote
from virttest import data_dir
from virttest import utils_misc
from virttest import utils_test

def format_result(result, base="12", fbase="2"):
    Format the result to a fixed length string.

    :param result: result need to convert
    :param base: the length of converted string
    :param fbase: the decimal digit for float
    if isinstance(result, six.string_types):
        value = "%" + base + "s"
    elif isinstance(result, int):
        value = "%" + base + "d"
    elif isinstance(result, float):
        value = "%" + base + "." + fbase + "f"
    return value % result

def run(test, params, env):
    Virtio with qemu vhost backend with dpdk

    1) Boot up VM and reboot VM with 1G hugepages and iommu enabled
    2) Install dpdk realted packages
    3) Bind two nics to vfio-pci on VM
    4) Install and start Moongen on external host
    5) Start testpmd on VM, collect and analyze the results

    :param test: QEMU test object.
    :param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
    :param env: Dictionary with test environment.

    def _pin_vm_threads(node):
        pin guest vcpu and vhost threads to cpus of a numa node repectively

        :param node: which numa node to pin
        if node:
            if not isinstance(node, utils_misc.NumaNode):
                node = utils_misc.NumaNode(int(node))
            utils_test.qemu.pin_vm_threads(vm, node)

    def install_dpdk():
        """ Install dpdk realted packages"""

        cmd = 'yum install -y %s' % params.get("env_pkg")
        session.cmd(cmd, timeout=360, ignore_all_errors=True)
        session.cmd_output('rpm -qa |grep dpdk')

    def env_setup():
        Prepare the test environment
        1) Set 1G hugepages and iommu enabled
        2) Copy testpmd script to guest

        error_context.context("Setup env for guest")

        # setup hugepages
        session.cmd(params.get("env_hugepages_cmd"), ignore_all_errors=True)

        # install dpdk related packages

        # install python pexpect
        session.cmd("`command -v pip pip3` install pexpect", ignore_all_errors=True)

        # copy testpmd script to guest
        testpmd_exec = params.get("testpmd_exec")
        src = os.path.join(data_dir.get_deps_dir(),
                           "performance/%s" % testpmd_exec)
        dst = "/tmp/%s" % testpmd_exec
        vm.copy_files_to(src, dst, nic_index=0)

        return dst

    def dpdk_devbind():

        bind two nics to vfio-pci
        return nic1 and nic2's pci

        error_context.context("bind two nics to vfio-pci")
        cmd = "modprobe vfio"
        cmd += " && modprobe vfio-pci"
        session.cmd(cmd, timeout=360, ignore_all_errors=True)
        session.cmd_output("lspci|grep Eth")
        cmd_nic_pci = "lspci |awk '/%s/ {print $1}'" % params.get("nic_driver")
        nic_driver = params.get("nic_driver").split()
        if len(nic_driver) > 1:
            for i in nic_driver:
                if i == "Virtio":
                    nic_pci_1 = "0000:%s" % session.cmd(
                        "lspci |awk '/%s network/ {print $1}'" % i).strip()
                    cmd_str = "dpdk-devbind --bind=vfio-pci %s" % nic_pci_1
                    nic_pci_2 = "0000:%s" % session.cmd(
                        "lspci |awk '/%s/ {print $1}'" % i).strip()
                    cmd_str = "dpdk-devbind --bind=vfio-pci %s" % nic_pci_2
        session.cmd_output('dpdk-devbind --status')
        return nic_pci_1, nic_pci_2

    def install_moongen(session, ip, user, port, password):

        Install moogen on remote moongen host


        # copy to remote moongen host
        moongen_pkg = params.get("moongen_pkg")
        local_path = os.path.join(
            data_dir.get_deps_dir(), "performance/%s" % moongen_pkg)
        remote.scp_to_remote(ip, shell_port, username,
                             password, local_path, "/home")

        # install moongen
        cmd_str = "rm -rf /home/MoonGen"
        cmd_str += " && unzip /home/%s -d /home" % params.get("moongen_pkg")
        cmd_str += " && cd /home/MoonGen && ./"
        if session.cmd_status(cmd_str, timeout=300) != 0:
            test.error("Fail to install program on monngen host")

        # set hugepages
        session.cmd(params.get("generator_hugepages_cmd"), ignore_all_errors=True)

        # probe vfio and vfip-pci
        cmd_probe = "modprobe vfio; modprobe vfio-pci"
        session.cmd_status(cmd_probe, timeout=300)

        # bind nic
        moongen_dpdk_nic = params.get("moongen_dpdk_nic").split()
        for i in list(moongen_dpdk_nic):
            cmd_bind = "dpdk-devbind --bind=vfio-pci %s" % i
            if session.cmd_status(cmd_bind) != 0:
                test.error("Fail to bind nic %s on monngen host" % i)

    def result(recode, dst):

        if os.path.getsize(dst) > 0:

            cmd = "grep -i %s %s | tail -1 | awk  -F ':'  '{print $2}'"\
                  "| awk '{print $1}'" % (recode, dst)
            pps_results = process.system_output(cmd, shell=True)
            power = 10**6
            mpps_results = float(pps_results) / float(power)
            pps_results = "%.2f" % mpps_results
            test.error("the content of /tmp/testpmd.log is empty")

        return mpps_results

    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    login_timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))

            timeout=login_timeout, restart_network=True).close()
    except virt_vm.VMIPAddressMissingError:

    # print numa information on host and pinning vhost and vcpus to cpus
    process.system_output("numactl --hardware")
    process.system_output("numactl --show")
    error_context.context("Prepare env of vm/generator host",

    session = vm.wait_for_login(nic_index=0, timeout=login_timeout)

    guest_ip = vm.wait_for_get_address(0, timeout=90)
    macvtap_mac = vm.get_mac_address(1)
    vfio_mac = vm.get_mac_address(2)

    # get parameter from dictionary
    category = params.get("category")
    pkt_size = params.get("pkt_size")
    kvm_ver_chk_cmd = params.get("kvm_ver_chk_cmd")
    guest_ver_cmd = params["guest_ver_cmd"]
    guest_dpdk_cmd = params["guest_dpdk_cmd"]
    record_list = params["record_list"]

    # get record_list
    record_line = ""
    for record in record_list.split():
        record_line += "%s|" % format_result(record)

    # setup env and bind nics to vfio-pci in guest

    exec_file = env_setup()
    nic_pci_1, nic_pci_2 = dpdk_devbind()

    # setup env on moongen host
    generator_ip = params.get("generator")
    shell_port = params.get("shell_port_generator")
    password = params.get("password_generator")
    username = params.get("username_generator")
    generator1 = remote.wait_for_login(params.get("shell_client_generator"),
    generator2 = remote.wait_for_login(params.get("shell_client_generator"),
    install_moongen(generator1, generator_ip, username, shell_port, password)

    # get qemu, guest kernel, kvm version and dpdk version and write them into result
    result_path = utils_misc.get_path(test.resultsdir, "virtio_net_dpdk.RHS")
    result_file = open(result_path, "w")
    kvm_ver = process.system_output(kvm_ver_chk_cmd, shell=True).decode()
    host_ver = os.uname()[2]
    guest_ver = session.cmd_output(guest_ver_cmd)
    dpdk_ver = session.cmd_output(guest_dpdk_cmd)
239 240 241 242
    result_file.write("### kvm-userspace-ver : %s" % kvm_ver)
    result_file.write("### kvm_version : %s" % host_ver)
    result_file.write("### guest-kernel-ver :%s" % guest_ver)
    result_file.write("### guest-dpdk-ver :%s" % dpdk_ver)
243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346

    # get result tested by each scenario
    for pkt_cate in category.split():
        result_file.write("Category:%s\n" % pkt_cate)
        result_file.write("%s\n" % record_line.rstrip("|"))
        nic1_driver = params.get("nic1_dpdk_driver")
        nic2_driver = params.get("nic2_dpdk_driver")
        cores = params.get("vcpu_sockets")
        queues = params.get("testpmd_queues")
        running_time = int(params.get("testpmd_running_time"))
        size = 60

        if pkt_cate == "rx":
            error_context.context("test guest rx pps performance",
            port = 1
            record = "Rx-pps"
            mac = vm.get_mac_address(1)
        if pkt_cate == "tx":
            error_context.context("test guest tx pps performance",
            port = 0
            record = "Tx-pps"
            mac = vm.get_mac_address(2)

        status = launch_test(session, generator1, generator2,
                             mac, port, exec_file,
                             nic1_driver, nic2_driver,
                             nic_pci_1, nic_pci_2,
                             cores, queues, running_time)
        if status is True:
            error_context.context("%s test is finished" %
  "test is failed, please check your command and env")

        dst = utils_misc.get_path(test.resultsdir, "testpmd.%s" % pkt_cate)
        vm.copy_files_from("/tmp/testpmd.log", dst)

        pkt_cate_r = result("%s-pps" % pkt_cate, dst)
        line = "%s|" % format_result(size)
        line += "%s" % format_result(pkt_cate_r)
        result_file.write(("%s\n" % line))


def launch_test(session, generator1, generator2,
                mac, port_id, exec_file,
                nic1_driver, nic2_driver,
                nic_pci_1, nic_pci_2,
                cores, queues, running_time):
    """ Launch MoonGen """

    def start_moongen(generator1, mac, port_id, running_time):

        file = '/home/MoonGen/examples/udp-throughput.lua'
        cmd = "pkill MoonGen ; rm -rf /tmp/throughput.log ; sleep 3"
        cmd += r" && \cp %s %s.tmp" % (file, file)
        tmp_file = "%s.tmp" % file
        cmd += " && sed -i 's/10:11:12:13:14:15/%s/g' %s" % (mac, tmp_file)
        cmd += " && cd /home/MoonGen "\
               " && ./build/MoonGen %s %s > /tmp/throughput.log &" % (
                       tmp_file, port_id)

    def run_moongen_up(generator2):

        cmd = 'grep "1 devices are up" /tmp/throughput.log'
        if generator2.cmd_status(cmd) == 0:
            return True
            return False

    def start_testpmd(session, exec_file, nic1_driver, nic2_driver,
                      nic1_pci_1, nic2_pci_2, cores, queues, running_time):
        """ Start testpmd on VM """

        cmd = "`command -v python python3` "
        cmd += " %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s > /tmp/testpmd.log" % (
            exec_file, nic1_driver, nic2_driver,
            nic_pci_1, nic_pci_2, cores, queues, running_time)

    moongen_thread = threading.Thread(
        target=start_moongen, args=(generator1, mac, port_id, running_time))

    if utils_misc.wait_for(lambda: run_moongen_up(generator2), 30,
                           text="Wait until devices is up to work"):
        logging.debug("MoonGen start to work")
        testpmd_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_testpmd, args=(
            session, exec_file, nic1_driver, nic2_driver,
            nic_pci_1, nic_pci_2, cores, queues, running_time))
        return True
        return False