提交 28c6c920 编写于 作者: F freesky-edward 提交者: Gitee

!2 [Doc] Add doc guide how to update news content

Merge pull request !2 from freesky-edward/doc-add-news
# How to contribute
## Report issues
A great way to contribute to the project is to send a detailed report when you encounter an issue. We always appreciate a well-written, thorough bug report and feature propose, and will thank you for it!
### Issues format
When reporting issues, refer to this format:
- What happened?
- What you expected to happen?
- What happened?
- How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)
- Anything else we need to know?
- Environment
See more about [ISSUE_TEMPLATE](.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md).
## Submit pull requests
If you are a beginner and expect this project as the gate to open source world, this tutorial is one of the best
choices for you. Just follow the guidance and you will find the pleasure to becoming a contributor.
### Step 1: Fork repository
Before making modifications of this project, you need to make sure that this project have been forked to your own
repository. It means that there will be parallel development between this repo and your own repo, so be careful
to avoid the inconsistency between these two repos.
### Step 2: Clone the remote repository
If you want to download the code to the local machine, ```git``` is the best way:
git clone https://your_repo_url/projectname.git
### Step 3: Develop code locally
To avoid inconsistency between multiple branches, we SUGGEST checking out to a new branch:
git checkout -b new_branch_name origin/master
Then you can change the code arbitrarily.
### Step 4: Push the code to the remote repository
After updating the code, you should push the update in the formal way:
git add .
git status (Check the update status)
git commit -m "Your commit title"
git commit --amend (Add the concrete description of your commit)
git push origin new_branch_name
### Step 5: Pull a request to repository
In the last step, your need to pull a compare request between your new branch and development branch. After
finishing the pull request, the CI will be automatically set up for building test.
### Pull requests format
When submitting pull requests, refer to this format:
- What this PR does / why we need it?
- Which issue this PR fixes?
- Special notes for your reviewer
- Release note
### Code style
## Brief
This doc will guide anyone who is going to add/modify the news content in our website. all workflow will follow the PR flow. please refer to [CONTRIBUTING](../CONTRIBUTING.md) for deep guiding if you are not fimiliar to how to submit a PR.
All contents in this website are written in Markdown syntax. if you are beginner to Mardown, [Tutorial](https://www.markdowntutorial.com/) would be a good start to you. for news, it also write in markdown with a special header definition.
### Content & Structure
A news contains following parties, we strongly recommend you prepare all of these items without any blank:
- banner: An image reprents the ocurring sinario will be showed as a header in news list page. we recommend to use standard size with 1000*750 for better showing.
- title: The brief introduction of the new
- description: A more detailed introduction than title for the news.
- author: who provides the news content.
- categories: the category where user can find it easily.
- date: the news ocurring time.
- content: the detailed introduction for the stroy.
All above content except banner image will be defined in one file under ```content/``` folder with Markdown syntax but banner image content should be submitted into ```static/img/``` folder and defined in the file. as multilingual content supported now, so please check which language are you going to add in, this will decide which sub-folder under ```content``` will be choosed. e.g. ```content/en```, ```content/zh``` or other further languages supported. the final path where the file would be located is ```content/<lang-code>/news```.
so, the folder structure would be:
Note: content file must locates under ```news``` folder. however banner iamge can locates whatever sub-dir you want, but be sure you have configuration the path correctly. please step to next section for more file style.
### Header definition
A news file content two parties, one is the header configuration, another is the content. the header definition starts and end with ```+++``` or ```---```. Note: the sign number must be ***3***. e.g.
title = "openEuler community meetup held in Shanghai"
date = "2019-10-10T13:50:46+02:00"
categories = ["meetup"]
author = "openEuler"
description = "The first meetup held in shanghai, there are more 500+ attenders joined this meetup."
banner = "img/banners/banner-1.jpg"
- banner: a path starts with ```img```.
- categories: mutil-value supports, this value is a list of strings, echo one is a category.
- date: we recommend flowing the example style.
the remain content following the header definition is the news characters.
### Example
title = "openEuler community meetup held in Shanghai"
date = "2019-10-10T13:50:46+02:00"
categories = ["meetup"]
author = "openEuler"description = "The first meetup held in shanghai, there are more 500+ attenders joined this meetup."
banner = "img/banners/banner-1.jpg"
10th, Oct, 2019. openEuler held the first meetup in Shanghai, China. the chairman Mr.Li has a wonderful speech and give us a good blueprint that openEuler will reach out.....
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