提交 4b03d398 编写于 作者: O openeuler-ci-bot 提交者: Gitee

!50 1. Delete the prompt page that "文档中心正在构建中" 2. Add four document...

!50 1. Delete the prompt page that "文档中心正在构建中" 2. Add four document links:“安装指南”、“管理员指南”,"容器用户指南","虚拟化用户指南" to Docs module.3. Change the height of the gitee icon on the large screen to 18px 4.Change the button "下载ISO" to  "下载openEuler-1.0-aarch64-dvd.iso".
Merge pull request !50 from ZhengyuhangHans/master
......@@ -225,33 +225,33 @@ paginate = 10
# url = "/zh/docs/Releasenotes/release_notes.html"
# weight = 2
# identifier = "install"
# name = "安装指南"
# parent = "docs"
# url = "/zh/docs/Installation/installation.html"
# weight=3
identifier = "install"
name = "安装指南"
parent = "docs"
url = "/zh/docs/Installation/installation.html"
# identifier = "management"
# name = "管理员指南"
# parent = "docs"
# url = "/zh/docs/Administration/administration.html"
# weight = 4
identifier = "management"
name = "管理员指南"
parent = "docs"
url = "/zh/docs/Administration/administration.html"
weight = 4
# identifier = "container"
# name = "容器用户指南"
# parent = "docs"
# url = "/zh/docs/Container/container.html"
# weight = 5
identifier = "container"
name = "容器用户指南"
parent = "docs"
url = "/zh/docs/Container/container.html"
weight = 5
# identifier = "vitrual"
# name = "虚拟化用户指南"
# parent = "docs"
# url = "/zh/docs/Virtualization/virtualization.html"
# weight = 6
identifier = "vitrual"
name = "虚拟化用户指南"
parent = "docs"
url = "/zh/docs/Virtualization/virtualization.html"
weight = 6
title = "文档"
id = "members"
#### 文档中心正在构建中
欢迎加入 [文档](https://gitee.com/openeuler/docs)团队
......@@ -100,4 +100,4 @@ other = "Submit issues: "
other = "please download the checksum file:"
other = "Get openEuler ISO"
other = "Get openEuler-1.0-aarch64-dvd.iso"
......@@ -99,5 +99,5 @@ other = "如果您遇到问题,请在此提交问题:"
other = "如何检验请下载:"
other = "下载openEuler ISO"
other = "下载openEuler-1.0-aarch64-dvd.iso"
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<li style="width:67px;text-align: center;"class="">
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<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"><img style="width:18px;"src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}img/gitee-logo.ico"><span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li><a href="https://gitee.com/openeuler">{{i18n "main_nav_repository"}}</a></li>
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