未验证 提交 3ce4ce5c 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!17921 17700044错误码信息修改

Merge pull request !17921 from zhouwenzhi/master
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ install(hapFilePaths: Array<string>, installParam: InstallParam, callback:
| 17700036 | Failed to install the HSP because lacks appropriate permissions. |
| 17700039 | Failed to install because disallow install a shared bundle by hapFilePaths. |
| 17700041 | Failed to install because enterprise device management disallow install. |
| 17700044 | Failed to install because the isolationMode does not match the system. |
| 17700044 | Failed to install the HAP because the isolationMode configured is not supported. |
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ install(hapFilePaths: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>):
| 17700036 | Failed to install the HSP because lacks appropriate permissions. |
| 17700039 | Failed to install because disallow install a shared bundle by hapFilePaths. |
| 17700041 | Failed to install because enterprise device management disallow install. |
| 17700044 | Failed to install because the isolationMode does not match the system. |
| 17700044 | Failed to install the HAP because the isolationMode configured is not supported. |
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ install(hapFilePaths: Array\<string\>, installParam?: InstallParam) : Promise\<v
| 17700036 | Failed to install the HSP because lacks appropriate permissions. |
| 17700039 | Failed to install because disallow install a shared bundle by hapFilePaths. |
| 17700041 | Failed to install because enterprise device management disallow install. |
| 17700044 | Failed to install because the isolationMode does not match the system. |
| 17700044 | Failed to install the HAP because the isolationMode configured is not supported. |
......@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ The specified bundle is a shared bundle which cannot be uninstalled.
## 17700044 安装包设置的多进程配置项与系统配置项设置矛盾
Failed to install because the isolationMode does not match the system.
Failed to install the HAP because the isolationMode configured is not supported.
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