未验证 提交 8e22f658 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!736 3.1分支 littlefs mount目录命名不合理

Merge pull request !736 from wangchen/0624_31_name
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ FileDirInfo g_lfsDir[LFS_MAX_OPEN_DIRS] = {0};
struct FileOpInfo g_fsOp[LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE] = {0};
static LittleFsHandleStruct g_handle[LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_OPEN_FILES] = {0};
struct dirent g_nameValue;
static const char *g_littlefsMntName[LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE] = {"/a"};
static const char *g_littlefsMntName[LOSCFG_LFS_MAX_MOUNT_SIZE] = {"/a", "/littlefs"};
#define LFS_MUTEX_UNINIT (-1)
static UINT32 g_lfsMutex = LFS_MUTEX_UNINIT;
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