提交 900f1832 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!504 在arch\csky\v2\gcc\los_exc.S中添加IrqEntry函数实现

Merge pull request !504 from ouyk/master
......@@ -53,3 +53,25 @@ HandleEntry:
lrw r2, HalExcHandleEntry
jmp r2
.section .text
.align 2
.global IrqEntry
psrset ee
subi sp, 72
stm r0-r15, (sp)
mfcr r0, epsr
stw r0, (sp, 64)
mfcr r0, epc
stw r0, (sp, 68)
jbsr HalInterrupt
ldw r0, (sp, 68)
mtcr r0, epc
ldw r0, (sp, 64)
bseti r0, r0, 6
mtcr r0, epsr
ldm r0-r15, (sp)
addi sp, 72
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