提交 17c5ea3c 编写于 作者: D deveco_xdevice

fix retry bug

Signed-off-by: Ndeveco_xdevice <liguangjie1@huawei.com>
上级 4911043b
......@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ class DriversThread(threading.Thread):
from _core.report.result_reporter import ResultReporter
params = ResultReporter.get_task_info_params(history_report_path)
if params:
report_data_dict = dict(params[ReportConst.report_path])
report_data_dict = dict(params[ReportConst.data_reports])
if execute_result_name in report_data_dict.keys():
return report_data_dict.get(execute_result_name)
elif execute_result_name.split(".")[0] in \
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