提交 51b767a9 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!43 重写代码,将嵌套的结构体成员指向与强转分层,使代码更清晰

Merge pull request !43 from JING/drv
......@@ -113,8 +113,10 @@ static ssize_t fb_mmap(struct file *filep, LosVmMapRegion *region)
int ret = -EINVAL;
struct fb_chardev_s *fb;
struct fb_vtable_s *vtable;
struct drv_data *drvData;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)((struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data)->priv;
drvData = (struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)drvData->priv;
if (fb == NULL)
return -ENODEV;
......@@ -148,8 +150,10 @@ static int fb_open(struct file *filep)
struct fb_chardev_s *fb;
struct fb_vtable_s *vtable;
int ret = -EINVAL;
struct drv_data *drvData;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)((struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data)->priv;
drvData = (struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)drvData->priv;
if (fb == NULL)
return -ENODEV;
......@@ -183,8 +187,10 @@ static int fb_close(struct file *filep)
struct fb_chardev_s *fb;
struct fb_vtable_s *vtable;
int ret = -EINVAL;
struct drv_data *drvData;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)((struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data)->priv;
drvData = (struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)drvData->priv;
if (fb == NULL)
return -ENODEV;
......@@ -215,11 +221,13 @@ static ssize_t fb_read(struct file *filep, char *buffer, size_t len)
size_t end;
size_t size;
int ret;
struct drv_data *drvData;
/* Get the framebuffer instance */
DEBUGASSERT(filep != NULL && filep->f_vnode != NULL);
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)((struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data)->priv;
drvData = (struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)drvData->priv;
/* Get the start and size of the transfer */
start = filep->f_pos;
......@@ -259,11 +267,14 @@ static ssize_t fb_write(struct file *filep, const char *buffer,
size_t end;
size_t size;
int ret;
struct drv_data *drvData;
/* Get the framebuffer instance */
DEBUGASSERT(filep != NULL && filep->f_vnode != NULL);
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)((struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data)->priv;
drvData = (struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)drvData->priv;
/* Get the start and size of the transfer */
start = filep->f_pos;
......@@ -306,11 +317,13 @@ static off_t fb_seek(struct file *filep, off_t offset, int whence)
struct fb_chardev_s *fb = NULL;
off_t newpos;
int ret;
struct drv_data *drvData;
/* Get the framebuffer instance */
DEBUGASSERT(filep != NULL && filep->f_vnode != NULL);
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)((struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data)->priv;
drvData = (struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)drvData->priv;
/* Determine the new, requested file position */
switch (whence)
......@@ -371,11 +384,13 @@ static int fb_ioctl(struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg)
struct fb_chardev_s *fb = NULL;
int ret;
struct drv_data *drvData;
/* Get the framebuffer instance */
DEBUGASSERT(filep != NULL && filep->f_vnode != NULL);
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)((struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data)->priv;
drvData = (struct drv_data *)filep->f_vnode->data;
fb = (struct fb_chardev_s *)drvData->priv;
/* Process the IOCTL command */
switch (cmd)
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