• D
    Fix JerryScript build with clang-6.0 (#2610) · 3ee77165
    Daniel Balla 提交于
    This patch fixes the following error with Clang-6.0
    jerryscript/jerry-core/api/jerry.c:1527:71: error: implicit conversion loses integer precision:
          'jerry_regexp_flags_t' to 'uint16_t' (aka 'unsigned short') [-Werror,-Wconversion]
      jerry_value_t ret_val = ecma_op_create_regexp_object (ecma_pattern, flags);
    Also change the `jerry_create_regexp` and `jerry_create_regexp_sz` functions' `flags` parameter to `uint16_t` since the values created with `bitwise inclusive OR` are not part of the enum.
    JerryScript-DCO-1.0-Signed-off-by: Daniel Balla dballa@inf.u-szeged.hu
02.API-REFERENCE.md 138.4 KB