提交 f53dba1a 编写于 作者: P Péter Gál 提交者: Dániel Bátyai

Add dependency info for accessing memstats from API (#2979)

The documentation of `jerry_get_memory_stats` method was missing
the requirements on what build option or feature is required.

JerryScript-DCO-1.0-Signed-off-by: Peter Gal pgal.u-szeged@partner.samsung.com
上级 ec11a7b4
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ Enum that contains the following elements:
- JERRY_INIT_SHOW_OPCODES - dump byte-code to log after parse
- JERRY_INIT_SHOW_REGEXP_OPCODES - dump regexp byte-code to log after compilation
- JERRY_INIT_MEM_STATS - dump memory statistics
- JERRY_INIT_MEM_STATS_SEPARATE - dump memory statistics and reset peak values after parse
- JERRY_INIT_DEBUGGER - deprecated, an unused placeholder now
- JERRY_INIT_MEM_STATS_SEPARATE - **deprecated**, dump memory statistics and reset peak values after parse
- JERRY_INIT_DEBUGGER - **deprecated**, an unused placeholder now
## jerry_type_t
......@@ -790,6 +790,14 @@ main (void)
Get heap memory stats.
- The engine must be initialized with the `JERRY_INIT_MEM_STATS` option to allow
heap statistic collections. See [jerry_init](#jerry_init)
- This API depends on a build option (`JERRY_MEM_STATS`) and can be checked
in runtime with the `JERRY_FEATURE_MEM_STATS` feature enum value,
see: [jerry_is_feature_enabled](#jerry_is_feature_enabled).
......@@ -799,12 +807,15 @@ jerry_get_memory_stats (jerry_heap_stats_t *out_stats_p);
- `out_stats_p` - out parameter, that provides the heap statistics.
- return value
- true, if run was successful
- false, otherwise. Usually it is because the MEM_STATS feature is not enabled.
- true, if stats were written into the `out_stats_p` pointer.
- false, otherwise. Usually it is because the `JERRY_FEATURE_MEM_STATS` feature is not enabled.
jerry_init (JERRY_INIT_MEM_STATS);
// ...
jerry_heap_stats_t stats = {0};
bool get_stats_ret = jerry_get_memory_stats (&stats);
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