提交 07fc3551 编写于 作者: R Richard Levitte

A hack to make sure access() will give us the correct answer about the

accessability of an "empty" directory.  Thsi *is* weird, and a better
solution will be provided in apps/ca.c, when I get time to hack at it.
上级 3ebf0be1
......@@ -97,10 +97,18 @@ $ CREATE /DIR /PROTECTION=OWNER:RWED 'CATOP'.certs]
$ OPEN /WRITE ser_file 'CATOP']serial.
$ WRITE ser_file "01"
$ CLOSE ser_file
$ APPEND/NEW NL: 'CATOP']index.txt
$ ! The following is to make sure access() doesn't get confused. It
$ ! really needs one file in the directory to give correct answers...
$ COPY NLA0: 'CATOP'.certs].;
$ COPY NLA0: 'CATOP'.crl].;
$ COPY NLA0: 'CATOP'.newcerts].;
$ COPY NLA0: 'CATOP'.private].;
$ IF F$SEARCH(CATOP+".private"+CAKEY) .EQS. ""
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