提交 27dfffd5 编写于 作者: D Dr. Stephen Henson

Clear bytes used for block padding of SSL 3.0 records. (CVE-2011-4576)

上级 d0dc991c
......@@ -523,6 +523,10 @@
Changes between 1.0.0e and 1.0.0f [xx XXX xxxx]
*) Clear bytes used for block padding of SSL 3.0 records.
[Adam Langley (Google)]
*) Only allow one SGC handshake restart for SSL/TLS. (CVE-2011-4619)
[Adam Langley (Google)]
......@@ -512,6 +512,9 @@ int ssl3_enc(SSL *s, int send)
/* we need to add 'i-1' padding bytes */
/* the last of these zero bytes will be overwritten
* with the padding length. */
memset(&rec->input[rec->length], 0, i);
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