提交 361ef5f4 编写于 作者: R Richard Levitte

Make the change log on the RAND_poll change a bit more explicit. Suggested by Bodo Moeller.

上级 b3466895
......@@ -100,9 +100,14 @@
[Lutz Jaenicke]
*) Change the Unix RAND_poll() variant to be able to poll several
random devices and only read data for a small fragment of time
to avoid hangs. Also separate out the Unix variant to it's own
file, rand_unix.c. For VMS, there's a currently-empty rand_vms.c.
random devices, as specified by DEVRANDOM, until a sufficient amount
of data has been collected. We spend at most 10 ms on each file
(select timeout) and read in non-blocking mode. DEVRANDOM now
defaults to the list "/dev/urandom", "/dev/random", "/dev/srandom"
(previously it was just the string "/dev/urandom"), so on typical
platforms the 10 ms delay will never occur.
Also separate out the Unix variant to its own file, rand_unix.c.
For VMS, there's a currently-empty rand_vms.c.
[Richard Levitte]
*) Move OCSP client related routines to ocsp_cl.c. These
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