提交 388ff0b0 编写于 作者: D Dr. Stephen Henson

Add support for raw extensions. This means that you can include the DER encoding

of an arbitrary extension: e.g.,RAW:12:34:56 Using this
technique currently unsupported extensions can be generated if you know their
DER encoding. Even if the extension is supported in future the raw extension
will still work: that is the raw version can always be used even if it is a
supported extension.
上级 6013fa83
......@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
Changes between 0.9.1c and 0.9.2
*) Support for RAW extensions where an arbitrary extension can be
created by including its DER encoding. See apps/openssl.cnf for
an example.
*) Make sure latest Perl versions don't interpret some generated C array
code as Perl array code in the crypto/err/err_genc.pl script.
[Lars Weber <3weber@informatik.uni-hamburg.de>]
......@@ -156,3 +156,8 @@ keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign
# Some might want this also
#nsCertType = sslCA, emailCA
# RAW DER hex encoding of an extension: beware experts only!
# You can even override a supported extension:
# basicConstraints= critical, RAW:30:03:01:01:FF
......@@ -420,7 +420,11 @@ int no_name;
/* Work out size of content octets */
if (i <= 0) return NULL;
if (i <= 0) {
/* Clear the error */
return NULL;
/* Work out total size */
j = ASN1_object_size(0,i,V_ASN1_OBJECT);
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
* Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
/* config file utilities */
/* extension creation utilities */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
......@@ -65,21 +65,53 @@
#include <err.h>
#include "x509v3.h"
#ifndef NOPROTO
static int v3_check_critical(char **value);
static int v3_check_generic(char **value);
static X509_EXTENSION *do_ext_conf(LHASH *conf, X509V3_CTX *ctx, int ext_nid, int crit, char *value);
static X509_EXTENSION *v3_generic_extension(char *ext, char *value, int crit, int type);
static int v3_check_critical();
static int v3_check_generic();
static X509_EXTENSION *do_ext_conf();
static X509V3_EXTENSION *v3_generic_extension();
X509_EXTENSION *X509V3_EXT_conf(conf, ctx, name, value)
LHASH *conf; /* Config file */
X509V3_CTX *ctx;
char *name; /* Name */
char *value; /* Value */
return X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(conf, ctx, OBJ_sn2nid(name), value);
int crit;
int ext_type;
crit = v3_check_critical(&value);
if((ext_type = v3_check_generic(&value)))
return v3_generic_extension(name, value, crit, ext_type);
return do_ext_conf(conf, ctx, OBJ_sn2nid(name), crit, value);
X509_EXTENSION *X509V3_EXT_conf_nid(conf, ctx, ext_nid, value)
LHASH *conf; /* Config file */
X509V3_CTX *ctx;
int ext_nid;
char *value; /* Value */
int crit;
int ext_type;
crit = v3_check_critical(&value);
if((ext_type = v3_check_generic(&value)))
return v3_generic_extension(OBJ_nid2sn(ext_nid),
value, crit, ext_type);
return do_ext_conf(conf, ctx, ext_nid, crit, value);
static X509_EXTENSION *do_ext_conf(conf, ctx, ext_nid, crit, value)
LHASH *conf; /* Config file */
X509V3_CTX *ctx;
int ext_nid;
int crit;
char *value; /* Value */
X509V3_EXT_METHOD *method;
......@@ -87,20 +119,12 @@ char *value; /* Value */
char *ext_struc;
char *ext_der, *p;
int ext_len;
int crit = 0;
if(ext_nid == NID_undef) return NULL;
if(!(method = X509V3_EXT_get_nid(ext_nid))) {
/* Add generic extension support here */
return NULL;
/* Check for critical */
if((strlen(value) >= 9) && !strncmp(value, "critical,", 9)) {
crit = 1;
/* Skip over spaces */
while(isspace(*value)) value++;
/* Now get internal extension representation based on type */
if(method->v2i) {
if(*value == '@') nval = CONF_get_section(conf, value + 1);
......@@ -138,6 +162,73 @@ char *value; /* Value */
/* Check the extension string for critical flag */
static int v3_check_critical(value)
char **value;
char *p = *value;
if((strlen(p) < 9) || strncmp(p, "critical,", 9)) return 0;
while(isspace(*p)) p++;
*value = p;
return 1;
/* Check extension string for generic extension and return the type */
static int v3_check_generic(value)
char **value;
char *p = *value;
if((strlen(p) < 4) || strncmp(p, "RAW:,", 4)) return 0;
while(isspace(*p)) p++;
*value = p;
return 1;
/* Create a generic extension: for now just handle RAW type */
static X509_EXTENSION *v3_generic_extension(ext, value, crit, type)
char *ext;
char *value;
int crit;
int type;
unsigned char *ext_der=NULL;
long ext_len;
X509_EXTENSION *extension=NULL;
if(!(obj = OBJ_txt2obj(ext, 0))) {
ERR_add_error_data(2, "name=", ext);
goto err;
if(!(ext_der = string_to_hex(value, &ext_len))) {
ERR_add_error_data(2, "value=", value);
goto err;
if(!(oct = ASN1_OCTET_STRING_new())) {
goto err;
oct->data = ext_der;
oct->length = ext_len;
ext_der = NULL;
extension = X509_EXTENSION_create_by_OBJ(NULL, obj, crit, oct);
if(ext_der) Free(ext_der);
return extension;
/* This is the main function: add a bunch of extensions based on a config file
* section
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