提交 3d2e469c 编写于 作者: D Dr. Stephen Henson

Fix a bug which caused BN_div to produce the
wrong result if rm==num and num < 0.
上级 bf401a2a
......@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
Changes between 0.9.6 and 0.9.7 [xx XXX 2000]
*) In BN_div() keep a copy of the sign of 'num' before writing the
result to 'rm' because if rm==num the value will be overwritten
and produce the wrong result if 'num' is negative: this caused
problems with BN_mod() and BN_nnmod().
[Steve Henson]
*) Function OCSP_request_verify(). This checks the signature on an
OCSP request and verifies the signer certificate. The signer
certificate is just checked for a generic purpose and OCSP request
......@@ -342,9 +342,13 @@ int BN_div(BIGNUM *dv, BIGNUM *rm, const BIGNUM *num, const BIGNUM *divisor,
if (rm != NULL)
/* Keep a copy of the neg flag in num because if rm==num
* BN_rshift() will overwrite it.
int neg = num->neg;
if (!BN_is_zero(rm))
rm->neg = num->neg;
rm->neg = neg;
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