提交 50acf46b 编写于 作者: B Ben Laurie

Sort openssl functions by name.

上级 7f9b7b07
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
Changes between 0.9.1c and 0.9.2
*) Sort openssl functions by name.
[Ben Laurie]
*) Get the gendsa program working (hopefully) and add it to app list. Remove
encryption from sample DSA keys (in case anyone is interested the password
was "1234").
......@@ -318,10 +318,26 @@ end:
static int SortFnByName(const void *_f1,const void *_f2)
const FUNCTION *f1=_f1;
const FUNCTION *f2=_f2;
if(f1->type != f2->type)
return f1->type-f2->type;
return strcmp(f1->name,f2->name);
static LHASH *prog_init()
LHASH *ret;
int i;
/* Purely so it looks nice when the user hits ? */
for(i=0,f=functions ; f->name != NULL ; ++f,++i)
qsort(functions,i,sizeof *functions,SortFnByName);
if ((ret=lh_new(hash,cmp)) == NULL) return(NULL);
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