提交 557068c0 编写于 作者: B Bodo Möller

Final version for 0.9.3.

上级 767d6bfb
......@@ -3,12 +3,7 @@
Changes between 0.9.2b and 0.9.3 [XX May 1999]
[I suggest using the same format for the
date as in opensslv.h. 0.9.1c used
hyphens in the date, so I wrote
[23-Dec-1998] down below; but in later
versions, these hyphens are gone.]
Changes between 0.9.2b and 0.9.3 [24 May 1999]
*) Bignum library bug fix. IRIX 6 passes "make test" now!
This also avoids the problems with SC4.2 and unpatched SC5.
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