提交 56a67adb 编写于 作者: G Geoff Thorpe

It was correctly pointed out to me that my CHANGES entry was a little thin

on details. :-)
上级 28e5428d
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
*) Finish off removing the remaining LHASH function pointer casts.
There should no longer be any prototype-casting required when using
the LHASH abstraction, and any casts that remain are "bugs".
the LHASH abstraction, and any casts that remain are "bugs". See
the callback types and macros at the head of lhash.h for details
(and "OBJ_cleanup" in crypto/objects/obj_dat.c as an example).
[Geoff Thorpe]
*) Change the Unix RAND_poll() variant to be able to poll several
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