提交 57119943 编写于 作者: B Bodo Möller

Always use buildinf.h, which now includes the mk1mfinf.h data.

Using different files caused problems because the dependencies
in the Makefiles produced by mk1mf.pl were for the standard case,
i.e. mentioned buildinf.h and not mk1mfinf.h.
上级 37b7185b
......@@ -46,9 +46,8 @@
(both in crypto/Makefile.ssl for use by crypto/cversion.c) caused
problems not only on Windows, but also on some Unix platforms.
To avoid problematic command lines, these definitions are now in an
auto-generated file, which also defines DATE and thus replaces
crypto/date.h. Standard "make" builds use crypto/buildinf.h,
mk1mf.pl builds use crypto/mk1mfinf.h (created by mk1mf.pl).
auto-generated file crypto/buildinf.h (created by crypto/Makefile.ssl
for standard "make" builds, by util/mk1mf.pl for "mk1mf" builds).
[Bodo Moeller]
*) MIPS III/IV assembler module is reimplemented.
......@@ -708,13 +708,14 @@ print "BF_PTR2 used\n" if $bf_ptr == 2;
if($IsWindows) {
open (OUT,">crypto/buildinf.h") || die "Can't open buildinf.h";
printf OUT <<EOF;
/* auto-generated by Configure for crypto/cversion.c */
/* (Unix builds: auto-generated by crypto/Makefile.ssl) */
/* mk1mf builds use mk1mfinf.h instead, so this file is probably never needed */
#define CFLAGS "$cc $cflags"
#define PLATFORM "$target"
#ifndef MK1MF_BUILD
/* auto-generated by Configure for crypto/cversion.c:
* for Unix builds, crypto/Makefile.ssl generates functional definitions;
* Windows builds (and other mk1mf builds) compile cversion.c with
* -DMK1MF_BUILD and use definitions added to this file by util/mk1mf.pl. */
#error "Windows builds (PLATFORM=$target) use mk1mf.pl-created Makefiles"
printf OUT "#define DATE \"%s\"\n", scalar gmtime();
system "perl crypto/objects/obj_dat.pl <crypto/objects/objects.h >crypto/objects/obj_dat.h";
......@@ -50,11 +50,12 @@ top:
all: buildinf.h lib subdirs
buildinf.h: ../Makefile.ssl
( echo "/* auto-generated by crypto/Makefile.ssl for crypto/cversion.c */"; \
echo "/* (mk1mf builds use mk1mfinf.h instead) */"; \
echo "#define CFLAGS \"$(CC) $(CFLAG)\""; \
echo "#define PLATFORM \"$(PLATFORM)\""; \
echo "#define DATE \"`date`\"" ) >buildinf.h
( echo "#ifndef MK1MF_BUILD"; \
echo " /* auto-generated by crypto/Makefile.ssl for crypto/cversion.c */"; \
echo " #define CFLAGS \"$(CC) $(CFLAG)\""; \
echo " #define PLATFORM \"$(PLATFORM)\""; \
echo " #define DATE \"`date`\""; \
echo "#endif" ) >buildinf.h
@for i in $(SDIRS) ;\
......@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ depend:
rm -f buildinf.h mk1mfinf.h *.o */*.o *.obj lib tags core .pure .nfs* *.old *.bak fluff
rm -f buildinf.h *.o */*.o *.obj lib tags core .pure .nfs* *.old *.bak fluff
@for i in $(SDIRS) ;\
do \
(cd $$i; echo "making clean in crypto/$$i..."; \
......@@ -61,11 +61,7 @@
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#ifdef MK1MF_BUILD
# include "mk1mfinf.h"
# include "buildinf.h"
#include "buildinf.h"
const char *SSLeay_version(int t)
......@@ -404,11 +404,11 @@ EOF
my $platform_cpp_symbol = "MK1MF_PLATFORM_$platform";
$platform_cpp_symbol =~ s/-/_/;
if (open(IN,"crypto/mk1mfinf.h"))
if (open(IN,"crypto/buildinf.h"))
# Remove entry for this platform in existing file mk1mfinf.h.
# Remove entry for this platform in existing file buildinf.h.
my $old_mk1mfinf_h = "";
my $old_buildinf_h = "";
while (<IN>)
if (/^\#ifdef $platform_cpp_symbol$/)
......@@ -417,21 +417,20 @@ if (open(IN,"crypto/mk1mfinf.h"))
$old_mk1mfinf_h .= $_;
$old_buildinf_h .= $_;
open(OUT,">crypto/mk1mfinf.h") || die "Can't open mk1mfinf.h";
print OUT $old_mk1mfinf_h;
open(OUT,">crypto/buildinf.h") || die "Can't open buildinf.h";
print OUT $old_buildinf_h;
open (OUT,">>crypto/mk1mfinf.h") || die "Can't open mk1mfinf.h";
open (OUT,">>crypto/buildinf.h") || die "Can't open buildinf.h";
printf OUT <<EOF;
#ifdef $platform_cpp_symbol
/* auto-generated and updated by util/mk1mf.pl for crypto/cversion.c */
/* (used in place of crypto/buildinf.h by mk1mf builds) */
/* auto-generated/updated by util/mk1mf.pl for crypto/cversion.c */
#define CFLAGS "$cc $cflags"
#define PLATFORM "$platform"
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