提交 772e3c07 编写于 作者: B Bodo Möller

Fix the BIT STRING encoding of EC points or parameter seeds

(need to prevent the removal of trailing zero bits).
上级 360ff3cf
......@@ -418,6 +418,14 @@
Changes between 0.9.8d and 0.9.8e [XX xxx XXXX]
*) Fix the BIT STRING encoding generated by crypto/ec/ec_asn1.c
(within i2d_ECPrivateKey, i2d_ECPKParameters, i2d_ECParameters):
When a point or a seed is encoded in a BIT STRING, we need to
prevent the removal of trailing zero bits to get the proper DER
encoding. (By default, crypto/asn1/a_bitstr.c assumes the case
of a NamedBitList, for which trailing 0 bits need to be removed.)
[Bodo Moeller]
*) Have SSL/TLS server implementation tolerate "mismatched" record
protocol version while receiving ClientHello even if the
ClientHello is fragmented. (The server can't insist on the
......@@ -529,6 +529,8 @@ static int ec_asn1_group2curve(const EC_GROUP *group, X9_62_CURVE *curve)
goto err;
curve->seed->flags &= ~(ASN1_STRING_FLAG_BITS_LEFT|0x07);
curve->seed->flags |= ASN1_STRING_FLAG_BITS_LEFT;
if (!ASN1_BIT_STRING_set(curve->seed, group->seed,
......@@ -1291,6 +1293,8 @@ int i2d_ECPrivateKey(EC_KEY *a, unsigned char **out)
goto err;
priv_key->publicKey->flags &= ~(ASN1_STRING_FLAG_BITS_LEFT|0x07);
priv_key->publicKey->flags |= ASN1_STRING_FLAG_BITS_LEFT;
if (!M_ASN1_BIT_STRING_set(priv_key->publicKey, buffer,
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