提交 7c7c8851 编写于 作者: R Ralf S. Engelschall

Fix a few typos and tabs while I'm poking around in ca.c...

上级 c0035435
......@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ static char *ca_usage[]={
" -spkac file - File contains DN and signed public key and challenge\n",
" -ss_cert file - File contains a self signed cert to sign\n",
" -preserveDN - Don't re-order the DN\n",
" -batch - Don't ask questions\n",
" -msie_hack - msie modifications to handle all those universal strings\n",
" -batch - Don't ask questions\n",
" -msie_hack - msie modifications to handle all those universal strings\n",
......@@ -590,13 +590,13 @@ bad:
if ((pp[DB_type][0] != DB_TYPE_REV) &&
(pp[DB_rev_date][0] != '\0'))
BIO_printf(bio_err,"entry %d: not, revoked yet has a revokation date\n",i+1);
BIO_printf(bio_err,"entry %d: not revoked yet, but has a revocation date\n",i+1);
goto err;
if ((pp[DB_type][0] == DB_TYPE_REV) &&
BIO_printf(bio_err,"entry %d: invalid revokation date\n",
BIO_printf(bio_err,"entry %d: invalid revocation date\n",
goto err;
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