提交 7d0d0996 编写于 作者: B Bodo Möller

binary algorithm for modular inversion

上级 9cddbf14
......@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@
Changes between 0.9.6 and 0.9.7 [xx XXX 2000]
*) Implement binary inversion algorithm for BN_mod_inverse in addition
to the algorithm using long divison. The binary algorithm can be
used only if the modulus is odd. It is faster only for relatively
small moduli (roughly 20% for 128-bit moduli, roughly 5% for 256-bit
moduli), so we use it only for moduli up to 400 bits.
[Bodo Moeller]
*) Change bctest again: '-x' expressions are not available in all
versions of 'test'.
[Bodo Moeller]
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
* [including the GNU Public Licence.]
/* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1998-2001 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
......@@ -240,131 +240,216 @@ BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
/* From B = a mod |n|, A = |n| it follows that
* 0 <= B < A,
* sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* -sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|).
* -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|).
while (!BN_is_zero(B))
if (BN_is_odd(n) && (BN_num_bits(n) <= 400))
BIGNUM *tmp;
/* Binary inversion algorithm; requires odd modulus.
* This is faster than the general algorithm if the modulus
* is sufficiently small. */
int shift;
while (!BN_is_zero(B))
* 0 < B < A <= |n|,
* (1) -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* (2) sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|)
/* Now divide B by the maximum possible power of two in the integers,
* and divide X by the same value mod |n|.
* When we're done, (1) still holds. */
shift = 0;
while (!BN_is_bit_set(B, shift)) /* note that 0 < B */
if (BN_is_odd(X))
if (!BN_uadd(X, X, n)) goto err;
/* now X is even, so we can easily divide it by two */
if (!BN_rshift1(X, X)) goto err;
if (shift > 0)
if (!BN_rshift(B, B, shift)) goto err;
* 0 < B < A,
* (*) sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* -sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|)
/* (D, M) := (A/B, A%B) ... */
if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B))
if (!BN_one(D)) goto err;
if (!BN_sub(M,A,B)) goto err;
/* Same for A and Y. Afterwards, (2) still holds. */
shift = 0;
while (!BN_is_bit_set(A, shift)) /* note that 0 < A */
if (BN_is_odd(Y))
if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, n)) goto err;
/* now Y is even */
if (!BN_rshift1(Y, Y)) goto err;
if (shift > 0)
if (!BN_rshift(A, A, shift)) goto err;
/* We still have (1) and (2), but A may no longer be larger than B.
* Both A and B are odd.
* The following computations ensure that
* 0 =< B < A = |n|,
* (1) -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* (2) sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|)
if (BN_ucmp(B, A) >= 0)
/* -sign*(X + Y)*a == B - A (mod |n|) */
if (!BN_uadd(X, X, Y)) goto err;
/* NB: we could use BN_mod_add_quick(X, X, Y, n), but that
* actually makes the algorithm slower */
if (!BN_usub(B, B, A)) goto err;
/* sign*(X + Y)*a == A - B (mod |n|) */
if (!BN_uadd(Y, Y, X)) goto err;
/* as above, BN_mod_add_quick(Y, Y, X, n) would slow things down */
if (!BN_usub(A, A, B)) goto err;
else if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1)
/* general inversion algorithm (less efficient than binary inversion) */
while (!BN_is_zero(B))
/* A/B is 1, 2, or 3 */
if (!BN_lshift1(T,B)) goto err;
if (BN_ucmp(A,T) < 0)
BIGNUM *tmp;
* 0 < B < A,
* (*) -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|)
/* (D, M) := (A/B, A%B) ... */
if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B))
/* A < 2*B, so D=1 */
if (!BN_one(D)) goto err;
if (!BN_sub(M,A,B)) goto err;
else if (BN_num_bits(A) == BN_num_bits(B) + 1)
/* A >= 2*B, so D=2 or D=3 */
if (!BN_sub(M,A,T)) goto err;
if (!BN_add(D,T,B)) goto err; /* use D (:= 3*B) as temp */
if (BN_ucmp(A,D) < 0)
/* A/B is 1, 2, or 3 */
if (!BN_lshift1(T,B)) goto err;
if (BN_ucmp(A,T) < 0)
/* A < 3*B, so D=2 */
if (!BN_set_word(D,2)) goto err;
/* M (= A - 2*B) already has the correct value */
/* A < 2*B, so D=1 */
if (!BN_one(D)) goto err;
if (!BN_sub(M,A,B)) goto err;
/* only D=3 remains */
if (!BN_set_word(D,3)) goto err;
/* currently M = A - 2*B, but we need M = A - 3*B */
if (!BN_sub(M,M,B)) goto err;
/* A >= 2*B, so D=2 or D=3 */
if (!BN_sub(M,A,T)) goto err;
if (!BN_add(D,T,B)) goto err; /* use D (:= 3*B) as temp */
if (BN_ucmp(A,D) < 0)
/* A < 3*B, so D=2 */
if (!BN_set_word(D,2)) goto err;
/* M (= A - 2*B) already has the correct value */
/* only D=3 remains */
if (!BN_set_word(D,3)) goto err;
/* currently M = A - 2*B, but we need M = A - 3*B */
if (!BN_sub(M,M,B)) goto err;
if (!BN_div(D,M,A,B,ctx)) goto err;
/* Now
* A = D*B + M;
* thus we have
* (**) -sign*Y*a == D*B + M (mod |n|).
tmp=A; /* keep the BIGNUM object, the value does not matter */
/* (A, B) := (B, A mod B) ... */
/* ... so we have 0 <= B < A again */
/* Since the former M is now B and the former B is now A,
* (**) translates into
* -sign*Y*a == D*A + B (mod |n|),
* i.e.
* -sign*Y*a - D*A == B (mod |n|).
* Similarly, (*) translates into
* sign*X*a == A (mod |n|).
* Thus,
* -sign*Y*a - D*sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* i.e.
* -sign*(Y + D*X)*a == B (mod |n|).
* So if we set (X, Y, sign) := (Y + D*X, X, -sign), we arrive back at
* sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* -sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|).
* Note that X and Y stay non-negative all the time.
/* most of the time D is very small, so we can optimize tmp := D*X+Y */
if (BN_is_one(D))
if (!BN_add(tmp,X,Y)) goto err;
if (BN_is_word(D,2))
if (!BN_lshift1(tmp,X)) goto err;
else if (BN_is_word(D,4))
if (!BN_lshift(tmp,X,2)) goto err;
if (!BN_div(D,M,A,B,ctx)) goto err;
else if (D->top == 1)
/* Now
* A = D*B + M;
* thus we have
* (**) sign*Y*a == D*B + M (mod |n|).
tmp=A; /* keep the BIGNUM object, the value does not matter */
/* (A, B) := (B, A mod B) ... */
/* ... so we have 0 <= B < A again */
/* Since the former M is now B and the former B is now A,
* (**) translates into
* sign*Y*a == D*A + B (mod |n|),
* i.e.
* sign*Y*a - D*A == B (mod |n|).
* Similarly, (*) translates into
* -sign*X*a == A (mod |n|).
* Thus,
* sign*Y*a + D*sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* i.e.
* sign*(Y + D*X)*a == B (mod |n|).
* So if we set (X, Y, sign) := (Y + D*X, X, -sign), we arrive back at
* -sign*X*a == B (mod |n|),
* sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|).
* Note that X and Y stay non-negative all the time.
/* most of the time D is very small, so we can optimize tmp := D*X+Y */
if (BN_is_one(D))
if (!BN_copy(tmp,X)) goto err;
if (!BN_mul_word(tmp,D->d[0])) goto err;
if (!BN_add(tmp,X,Y)) goto err;
if (!BN_mul(tmp,D,X,ctx)) goto err;
if (BN_is_word(D,2))
if (!BN_lshift1(tmp,X)) goto err;
else if (BN_is_word(D,4))
if (!BN_lshift(tmp,X,2)) goto err;
else if (D->top == 1)
if (!BN_copy(tmp,X)) goto err;
if (!BN_mul_word(tmp,D->d[0])) goto err;
if (!BN_mul(tmp,D,X,ctx)) goto err;
if (!BN_add(tmp,tmp,Y)) goto err;
if (!BN_add(tmp,tmp,Y)) goto err;
M=Y; /* keep the BIGNUM object, the value does not matter */
sign = -sign;
M=Y; /* keep the BIGNUM object, the value does not matter */
sign = -sign;
* The while loop (Euclid's algorithm) ends when
* A == gcd(a,n);
* we have
* -sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|),
* sign*Y*a == A (mod |n|),
* where Y is non-negative.
......@@ -378,7 +463,7 @@ BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *in,
if (BN_is_one(A))
/* Y*a == 1 (mod |n|) */
if (BN_ucmp(Y,n) < 0)
if (!Y->neg && BN_ucmp(Y,n) < 0)
if (!BN_copy(R,Y)) goto err;
......@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ int BN_mod_add(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, const BIGNUM *m, BN_
int BN_mod_add_quick(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, const BIGNUM *m)
if (!BN_add(r, a, b)) return 0;
if (BN_cmp(r, m) >= 0)
return BN_sub(r, r, m);
if (BN_ucmp(r, m) >= 0)
return BN_usub(r, r, m);
return 1;
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