提交 853f757e 编写于 作者: B Bodo Möller

Allow for higher granularity of entropy estimates by using 'double'

instead of 'unsigned' counters.
Seed PRNG in MacOS/GetHTTPS.src/GetHTTPS.cpp.

Partially submitted by Yoram Meroz <yoram@mail.idrive.com>.
上级 ae1bb4e5
......@@ -231,7 +231,9 @@
has a return value which indicates the quality of the random data
(1 = ok, 0 = not seeded). Also an error is recorded on the thread's
error queue. New function RAND_pseudo_bytes() generates output that is
guaranteed to be unique but not unpredictable.
guaranteed to be unique but not unpredictable. RAND_add is like
RAND_seed, but takes an extra argument for an entropy estimate
(RAND_seed always assumes full entropy).
[Ulf Möller]
*) Do more iterations of Rabin-Miller probable prime test (specifically,
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
* Also-- before attempting to compile this, make sure the aliases in "OpenSSL-0.9.4:include:openssl"
* are installed! Use the AppleScript applet in the "openssl-0.9.4" folder to do this!
/* modified to seed the PRNG */
// Include some funky libs I've developed over time
......@@ -32,8 +33,9 @@
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <timer.h>
// Let's try grabbing some data from here:
......@@ -77,8 +79,11 @@ SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx = nil;
SSL *ssl = nil;
char tempString[256];
UnsignedWide microTickCount;
const char seed[] = "uyq9,7-b(VHGT^%$&^F/,876;,;./lkJHGFUY{PO*"; // Just gobbledygook
printf("OpenSSL Demo by Roy Wood, roy@centricsystems.ca\n\n");
BailIfError(errCode = MacSocket_Startup());
......@@ -113,6 +118,10 @@ char tempString[256];
// ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv3_client_method());
RAND_seed (seed, sizeof (seed));
Microseconds (&microTickCount);
RAND_add (&microTickCount, sizeof (microTickCount), 0); // Entropy is actually > 0, needs an estimate
// Create an SSL thingey and try to negotiate the connection
ssl = SSL_new(ssl_ctx);
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
* [including the GNU Public Licence.]
#define ENTROPY_NEEDED 16 /* require 128 bits of randomness */
#define ENTROPY_NEEDED 16 /* require 128 bits = 16 bytes of randomness */
# ifndef NDEBUG
......@@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ static int state_num=0,state_index=0;
static unsigned char state[STATE_SIZE+MD_DIGEST_LENGTH];
static unsigned char md[MD_DIGEST_LENGTH];
static long md_count[2]={0,0};
static unsigned entropy=0;
static double entropy=0;
const char *RAND_version="RAND" OPENSSL_VERSION_PTEXT;
static void ssleay_rand_cleanup(void);
static void ssleay_rand_seed(const void *buf, int num);
static void ssleay_rand_add(const void *buf, int num, int add_entropy);
static void ssleay_rand_add(const void *buf, int num, double add_entropy);
static int ssleay_rand_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num);
static int ssleay_rand_pseudo_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num);
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ static void ssleay_rand_cleanup(void)
static void ssleay_rand_add(const void *buf, int num, int add)
static void ssleay_rand_add(const void *buf, int num, double add)
int i,j,k,st_idx;
long md_c[2];
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ static void ssleay_rand_add(const void *buf, int num, int add)
#ifndef THREADS
assert(md_c[1] == md_count[1]);
if (entropy < ENTROPY_NEEDED)
if (entropy < ENTROPY_NEEDED) /* stop counting when we have enough */
entropy += add;
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ typedef struct rand_meth_st
void (*seed)(const void *buf, int num);
int (*bytes)(unsigned char *buf, int num);
void (*cleanup)(void);
void (*add)(const void *buf, int num, int entropy);
void (*add)(const void *buf, int num, double entropy);
int (*pseudorand)(unsigned char *buf, int num);
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void RAND_cleanup(void );
int RAND_bytes(unsigned char *buf,int num);
int RAND_pseudo_bytes(unsigned char *buf,int num);
void RAND_seed(const void *buf,int num);
void RAND_add(const void *buf,int num,int entropy);
void RAND_add(const void *buf,int num,double entropy);
int RAND_load_file(const char *file,long max_bytes);
int RAND_write_file(const char *file);
const char *RAND_file_name(char *file,int num);
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void RAND_seed(const void *buf, int num)
void RAND_add(const void *buf, int num, int entropy)
void RAND_add(const void *buf, int num, double entropy)
if (rand_meth != NULL)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ RAND_add, RAND_seed, RAND_screen - Add entropy to the PRNG
void RAND_seed(const void *buf, int num);
void RAND_add(const void *buf, int num, int entropy);
void RAND_add(const void *buf, int num, double entropy);
void RAND_screen(void);
......@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ increases the uncertainty about the state and makes the PRNG output
less predictable. Suitable input comes from user interaction (random
key presses, mouse movements) and certain hardware events. The
B<entropy> argument is (the lower bound of) an estimate of how much
randomness is contained in B<buf>. Details about sources of randomness
and how to estimate their entropy can be found in the literature,
e.g. RFC 1750.
randomness is contained in B<buf>, measured in bytes. Details about
sources of randomness and how to estimate their entropy can be found
in the literature, e.g. RFC 1750.
RAND_add() may be called with sensitive data such as user entered
passwords. The seed values cannot be recovered from the PRNG output.
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