提交 89eeccac 编写于 作者: R Richard Levitte

Two changes:

1. if there are several symbols with the same entry number, sort those
   symbols in ASCII order.
2. Do not stop reading the header files when "BEGIN ERROR CODES" is
   found, since mkerr.pl will add a function declaration after that
   comment.  Instead, trigger on "Error codes for the \w+ function",
   which is the actual start of the error code macros.

Additionally, a few more debugging printouts that helped.
上级 c9fc1439
......@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
*) applies to 0.9.6a/0.9.6b/0.9.6c and 0.9.7
+) applies to 0.9.7 only
+) Change mkdef.pl to sort symbols that get the same entry number,
and make sure the automatically generated functions ERR_load_*
become part of libeay.num as well.
[Richard Levitte]
*) Avoid infinite loop in ssl3_get_message (ssl/s3_both.c) if a
client receives HelloRequest while in a handshake.
[Bodo Moeller; bug noticed by Andy Schneider <andy.schneider@bjss.co.uk>]
......@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ sub do_defs
foreach $file (split(/\s+/,$symhacksfile." ".$files))
print STDERR "DEBUG: starting on $file:\n" if $debug;
open(IN,"<$file") || die "unable to open $file:$!\n";
my $line = "", my $def= "";
my %tag = (
......@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@ sub do_defs
print STDERR "DEBUG: parsing ----------\n" if $debug;
while(<IN>) {
last if (/BEGIN ERROR CODES/);
last if (/\/\* Error codes for the \w+ functions\. \*\//);
if ($line ne '') {
$_ = $line . $_;
$line = '';
......@@ -785,14 +786,18 @@ sub do_defs
if (/^\#INFO:([^:]*):(.*)$/) {
$plats = $1;
$algs = $2;
print STDERR "DEBUG: found info on platforms ($plats) and algorithms ($algs)\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/^\s*OPENSSL_EXTERN\s.*?(\w+(\{[0-9]+\})?)(\[[0-9]*\])*\s*$/) {
$s = $1;
$k = "VARIABLE";
print STDERR "DEBUG: found external variable $s\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/\(\*(\w*(\{[0-9]+\})?)\([^\)]+/) {
$s = $1;
print STDERR "DEBUG: found ANSI C function $s\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/\w+\W+(\w+)\W*\(\s*\)$/s) {
# K&R C
print STDERR "DEBUG: found K&R C function $s\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/\w+\W+\w+(\{[0-9]+\})?\W*\(.*\)$/s) {
while (not /\(\)$/s) {
......@@ -802,6 +807,7 @@ sub do_defs
$s = $1;
print STDERR "DEBUG: found function $s\n" if $debug;
} elsif (/\(/ and not (/=/)) {
print STDERR "File $file: cannot parse: $_;\n";
......@@ -1244,7 +1250,10 @@ sub rewrite_numbers
$syms{$n} = 1;
my @s=sort { &parse_number($nums{$a},"n") <=> &parse_number($nums{$b},"n") } keys %nums;
my @s=sort {
&parse_number($nums{$a},"n") <=> &parse_number($nums{$b},"n")
|| $a cmp $b
} keys %nums;
foreach $sym (@s) {
(my $n, my $i) = split /\\/, $nums{$sym};
next if defined($i) && $i =~ /^.*?:.*?:\w+\(\w+\)/;
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