提交 a4709b3d 编写于 作者: U Ulf Möller

Shared library support for Solaris and HPUX

by Lutz Behnke and by Lutz Jaenicke.

Hopefully we'll have a unified way of handling shared libraries when
we move to autoconf...
上级 865874f2
......@@ -2,9 +2,13 @@
Changes between 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 [xx Xxx 2000]
Changes between 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 [XX XXX 2000]
*) Shared library support for HPUX (in shlib/).
[Lutz Jaenicke <Lutz.Jaenicke@aet.TU-Cottbus.DE> and Anonymous]
*) Shared library support for Solaris gcc.
[Lutz Behnke <behnke@trustcenter.de>]
Changes between 0.9.4 and 0.9.5 [28 Feb 2000]
......@@ -385,4 +385,11 @@ install_docs:
> $(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(MANDIR)/man$$sec/`basename $$i .pod`.$$sec); \
shlib: all
if [ ! -d shlib_dir ] ; then mkdir shlib_dir ; else rm -f shlib_dir/* ; fi
cd shlib_dir ; ar -x ../libcrypto.a && $(CC) -shared ./*.o -Wl,-soname -Wl,libcrypto.so.0.9 \
-o ./libcrypto.so.0.9.4 && rm *.o
cd shlib_dir ; ar -x ../libssl.a && $(CC) -shared ./*.o -Wl,-soname -Wl,libssl.so.0.9 \
-o ./libssl.so.0.9.4 && rm *.o
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.
OpenSSL STATUS Last modified at
______________ $Date: 2000/02/28 12:11:37 $
______________ $Date: 2000/02/28 19:14:38 $
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
o shared libraries <behnke@trustcenter.de>
o CA.pl patch (Damien Miller)
# Makefile.hpux-cc
all : $(clib).sl $(slib).sl
$(clib)_pic.a : $(clib).a
echo "Copying $? to $@"
cp -p $? $@
$(slib)_pic.a : $(slib).a
echo "Copying $? to $@"
cp -p $? $@
$(sh_clib) : $(clib)_pic.a
echo "collecting all object files for $@"
find . -name \*.o -print > allobjs
for obj in `ar t $(clib)_pic.a`; \
do \
grep /$$obj allobjs; \
done >objlist
echo "linking $@"
ld -b -s -z +h $@ -o $@ `cat objlist` -lc
rm allobjs objlist
$(clib).sl : $(sh_clib)
rm -f $@
ln -s $? $@
$(sh_slib) : $(slib)_pic.a $(clib).sl
echo "collecting all object files for $@"
find . -name \*.o -print > allobjs
for obj in `ar t $(slib)_pic.a`; \
do \
grep /$$obj allobjs; \
done >objlist
echo "linking $@"
ld -b -s -z +h $@ +b /usr/local/ssl/lib:/usr/lib -o $@ `cat objlist` \
-L. -lcrypto -lc
rm -f allobjs objlist
$(slib).sl : $(sh_slib)
rm -f $@
ln -s $? $@
# HP-UX (10.20) shared library installation:
# Compile and install OpenSSL with best possible optimization:
# - shared libraries are compiled and installed with +O4 optimization
# - executable(s) are compiled and installed with +O4 optimization
# - static libraries are compiled and installed with +O3 optimization,
# to avoid the time consuming +O4 link-time optimization when using
# these libraries. (The shared libs are already optimized during build
# at +O4.)
# This script must be run with appropriate privileges to install into
# /usr/local/ssl. HP-UX prevents used executables and shared libraries
# from being deleted or overwritten. Stop all processes using already
# installed items of OpenSSL.
# WARNING: At high optimization levels, HP's ANSI-C compiler can chew up
# large amounts of memory and CPU time. Make sure to have at least
# 128MB of RAM available and that you kernel is configure to allow
# 128MB data size (maxdsiz parameter).
# The installation process can take several hours, even on fast
# machines. +O4 Optimization of the libcrypto.sl shared library may
# take 1 hour on a C200 (200MHz PA8200 CPU), +O3 compilation of
# fcrypt_b.c can take 20 minutes on this machine. Stay patient.
# SITEFLAGS: site specific flags. I do use +DAportable, since I have to
# support older PA1.1-type CPUs. Your mileage may vary.
# +w1 enables enhanced warnings, useful when working with snaphots.
SITEFLAGS="+DAportable +w1"
# Set the default additions to build with HP-UX.
# -D_REENTRANT must/should be defined on HP-UX manually, since we do call
# Confiugure directly.
# +Oall increases the optimization done.
# Configure for pic and build the static pic libraries
perl5 Configure hpux-parisc-cc-o4 +z ${MYFLAGS}
make clean
make DIRS="crypto ssl"
# Rename the static pic libs and build dynamic libraries from them
# Be prepared to see a lot of warnings about shared libraries being built
# with optimizations higher than +O2. When using these libraries, it is
# not possible to replace internal library functions with functions from
# the program to be linked.
make -f shlib/Makefile.hpux10-cc
# Copy the libraries to /usr/local/ssl/lib (they have to be in their
# final location when linking applications).
# If the directories are still there, no problem.
mkdir /usr/local
mkdir /usr/local/ssl
mkdir /usr/local/ssl/lib
chmod 444 lib*_pic.a
chmod 555 lib*.so.1
cp -p lib*_pic.a lib*.so.1 /usr/local/ssl/lib
(cd /usr/local/ssl/lib ; ln -sf libcrypto.so.1 libcrypto.sl ; ln -sf libssl.so.1 libssl.sl)
# Reconfigure without pic to compile the executables. Unfortunately, while
# performing this task we have to recompile the library components, even
# though we use the already installed shared libs anyway.
perl5 Configure hpux-parisc-cc-o4 ${MYFLAGS}
make clean
# Hack the Makefiles to pick up the dynamic libraries during linking
sed 's/^PEX_LIBS=.*$/PEX_LIBS=-L\/usr\/local\/ssl\/lib -Wl,+b,\/usr\/local\/ssl\/lib:\/usr\/lib/' Makefile.ssl >xxx; mv xxx Makefile.ssl
sed 's/-L\.\.//' apps/Makefile.ssl >xxx; mv xxx apps/Makefile.ssl
sed 's/-L\.\.//' test/Makefile.ssl >xxx; mv xxx test/Makefile.ssl
# Build the static libs and the executables in one make.
# Install everything
make install
# Finally build the static libs with +O3. This time we only need the libraries,
# once created, they are simply copied into place.
perl5 Configure hpux-parisc-cc ${MYFLAGS}
make clean
make DIRS="crypto ssl"
chmod 644 libcrypto.a libssl.a
cp -p libcrypto.a libssl.a /usr/local/ssl/lib
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